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New Nostalgia Shop Launch + Giveaway!

cards on rings

I have been giddy excited for this day to arrive so that I could tell you all about the NEW, New Nostalgia Shop! It has been in the works for over a year and the day is finally here.

I often talk about living well and with purpose here at New Nostalgia, but how does one practically do that?

There are many ways to do it, both big and small, and intentional living looks different for different people.


3 cards on rings and a plant

Maybe we have this in common, though…just maybe we could all use something tangible to help guide us in our pursuit to do all the important things.

With that in mind, I’ve created tools–simple, printable cards to refer to– that has been life-changing for me in my pursuit to live well, and my hope is that they will be for you, too!


cards on rings magnetic hooks

How have they been helping me? For starters:

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