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Every Day Home Goals Chore System

Everyday Home Goals - creating home systems that work

I’m working hard at creating systems in my home to keep life flowing efficiently and smoothly. This means pursuing organized methods that will turn everyday necessities (like having clean clothes and dishes) into habits.

A home well kept in such an efficient way that it is done on automatic….this is my goal when it comes to my home.

This is not about living perfectly, but about being mindful of how I go about my day and finding mindful systems that work so that much of the mundane but necessary part of life can be done on automatic. Mindful becoming mindless.

Some examples of this:

I empty the dishwasher every morning while my coffee is brewing. It is so much a part of my morning habit that I don’t even think about it. I make coffee every morning which means my dishwasher gets emptied every morning. Win!

I clean the shower while I am in it, and do it safely by using a homemade natural cleaner that is ok to breath in. Not just ok, but thanks to essential oils, therapeutic!

It is so easy to quickly wipe down when already in there, (no awkwardly trying to lean in and clean the shower without getting wet) and I love knowing that the oils I’m using to clean (no harmful chemicals!) are also bringing alertness as I breathe them in. A great way to start the day!

Another example? Our bed gets made the minute I get out of it, even if my Todd is still in it. Ha! Seriously, I just do the best I can with pulling the comforter up and placing pillows around him. Then he can easily fix his corner and pillows when he gets up…although most days he is up before me.

These are just 3 systems built into my day that makes a huge difference in our home staying tidy. 

The Everyday Home Goals below also work beautifully! They are great examples of more systems put into place that keep our home tidy on the daily.

Everyday Home Goals - creating home systems that work

Everyday Home Goals

MAKE BEDS — did you know the most successful people make their beds every day?

WIPE SURFACES — quick wipe bathroom sinks/counters, kitchen sink/counters, tables

CLUTTER — quick pick up and a few minutes wherever it is accumulating

ONE FULL LOAD — dishwasher & laundry; don’t stop until dishes and clothes are put away!

FLOORS –quick sweep, vacuum & spot clean

GENERAL PICKUP — be aware throughout the day. Put things back in their place.

TRASH — kitchen trash daily, bathroom and office trash weekly. My Todd takes care of this one. I am grateful.

Home goals - Creating systems for effortless homemakeing

I do quite well with most of the Everyday Home Goals. I will comment below on each of them:

Make beds — this is automatic for me. I don’t have to think about it.

Wipe surfaces — another automatic. When I get the spray cleaner in hand, I concentrate on flat surfaces and think of the surfaces that need to be wiped every day. For me, this is kitchen and bathroom sinks and counters, and my kitchen and dining room tables. I spray and wipe these areas all at one time, at least one time a day.

Clutter — oh man. This one seems neverending and right now I have way too many piles throughout my home, but I’m super motivated with Spring here! You cannot organize clutter so I will be getting rid of much of it.

One Full Load — I do a load every day of both dishes and laundry…but my downfall is the follow through with washing/drying dishes that don’t fit into the dishwasher and making sure I put away/hang up all clean clothes.

When I do the follow through, it is amazing what a difference this makes. I am prioritizing how to make this into a system that works completely for me on the daily and will update you when I get it figured out!

Floors — I do this automatically every day in my main living areas…living room, dining room and kitchen. I have wood floors and 2 area rugs so it is fast and easy. I love doing it because I love a good vacuum line and how it instantly makes the room feel clean. I also hate stepping on crumbs so that is huge motivation to get that broom out.

General pickup — I’m pretty good at this. I do it mindlessly without thinking. As I walk through a room I will straighten what needs to be (I’m forever straightening throw pillows!) and pick up items to take with me to where they belong.

I am always looking for things to upstairs that made their way downstairs, and vise versa. I rarely walk up or down the stairs without grabbing something on my way that is misplaced.

Trash — like I said above, my man does this one. I’m spoiled.

Everyday Home Goals - creating home systems that work

A Chore A Day Goals

– Bathrooms — note: you can save the floor for Thursday

– Dusting –“work quickly, top to bottom, left to right” —Clean Mama

– Vacuuming — some weeks just the middles will do, other weeks add upholstery and rugs.

Th – Floors –sweep & mop

–  Kitchen — wipe down microwave and appliances. Wipe down and sort refrigerator. Wipe stove. Shine stainless steel.

Sa – Change Sheets –nothing like fresh sheets and towels!

Su – None –just do Everyday Home Goals listed above

Note: If getting all done at once is more your style, you can take 1-2 hours of time, once a week, and do all of the above in one fell swoop.

{Homekeeping Goals Inspired by Clean Mama’s Simply Clean Book. }

Everyday Home Goals - creating home systems that work

Let’s talk about these Chore a Day Goals. I don’t know if I love them or hate them. While I have my Everyday Home Goals pretty much down, the Chore a Day goals are a different story.

My success really depends on what type of week I am having. If my week is a normal, structured week where my schedule goes according to plan, I get them done no problem.

The problem comes when the week is overbooked or unexpected life events come up. On these weeks, I end up doing it all in one day and that day is usually a Saturday, or it does not get done at all. Yuck!

Doing it all in one day is not my favorite way to spend a chunk of time on a Saturday, so I really want to figure out how to consistently do a little bit each day of the week.

I think the key to making these Chore a Day Goals into a habit is finding 15 minutes of time in each day that is consistent. I will think about that, figure it out, implement it, and get back to you on my success!

Another key to creating this habit is keeping my daily and weekly goals in a place where I see them every day, all throughout the day. This printable is the answer for me right now. It works well printed out and put on a magnet on my refrigerator.

Keep reading if you want one too!

Home Goals | Clean Home Printable

This super helpful “Keeping a Clean Home” printable checklist divides home goals into Every Day, Once a Week, Once a Month, Once a Season, and Once a Year. This checklist allows me to focus in and know exactly where I am at and what needs to be done.

Would you like to print one out for yourself too? You can get it by signing up for my email list, which is a great way to not miss a new post from New Nostalgia.


I’m on a mission to continue to build more systems into my day, to make keeping a home as simple as possible. I have been very successful with what I’ve implemented so far, but systems often need tweaked and they take time to put into place and become automatic. I will continue sharing them with you as I discover what is working best for me, so make sure you get on the list!

Everyday Home Goals - creating home systems that work

{for your pinning pleasure}

What about you? What are systems working for you? What have become mindless habits for you in keeping your home? What are consistent problem areas? Got any tips for me? Please share in the comments!

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