
Loving Gestures From Minimalist Knitter

I’d like to introduce you to a friend of mine.  Her name is Robyn Devine, and were friends back in the day and lost touch over the years, then reconnected (I’m so glad!) through blogging.  She has always had a huge heart, so when I heard about her 100 hats charity project, it made MY heart smile.  Her 100 hats project goes like this:

100 hats
100 patterns
1 year
all for charity.  
How cool is that??
She just finished the year long project on August 23.  Phenomenal.  She is celebrating by doing a bunch of giveaways at her blog.  In true Robyn style, she celebrates by giving more!

Her thoughts, in her words:
A few weeks before I decided to knit one hundred hats in a year, I decided I wanted to be the kind of person who loved on the world in grand and ridiculous ways. Because I am a knitter, the goal to knit 10,000 items for charity seemed like a natural outpouring of this desire for big love. To kick off my new habit of grand and loving gestures, I dreamed up theOne Hundred Hats project.”
Recently I was on the receiving end of one of her grand and loving gestures.  She heard my sister was pregnant, and offered to make the baby a hat and booties! Isn’t that so kind? She doesn’t even know my sister!!!

I just marveled at her work when I received them in that mail.  It felt so great to take them to my sister and tell her about this act of love, made for the both of us.  My sister and brother-in-law were very touched, and my new nephew looks so cute in his hat, don’t you think?

Robyn has a wonderful blog called “Minimalist Knitter” and has written a free e-book that you can download at her site called “The Minimalists Knitter’s Handbook“-knitting more while owning less.  She  will be continuing the giveaway celebration until September 1, so head over there and win something!

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