
How In The World Can A Weary World Rejoice?


{my sister-in-law’s beautiful home on Christmas Eve}

The title of this post comes from a brilliant spoken word that is written and performed in the video below by Amena Brown and Ann Voskamp

Have you found yourself asking this question in some form this Christmas season?  Yes?  Me, too.  I have not felt as heart weary at any Christmas that I can remember as I have this Christmas.  Around the world and at my own home and heart there is this turmoil tugging; such need for peace.

I find myself aching for time with this God who came as babe, the proclaimed Prince of Peace.  My Prince of Peace.

I want a piece of the Prince of Peace.  I want to lay my weary head and snuggle in close.  I cannot stop in the hustle and bustle, the busy movement of my head, heart and feet, so God grabs me a hard gentle grasp & puts words right in front of my eyes.  A heart friend and I exchange gifts, I open her card and a piece of paper with these typed words fell before me.

From Reflections for Ragamuffins by Brennan Manning

Christmas is the promise that the God who came in history and comes daily in mystery will come in glory.  God is saying in Jesus that in the end everything will be all right.  Nothing can harm you permanently, no suffering is irrevocable, no loss is laying , no death is more that transitory, no disappointment is conclusive.  Jesus did not deny the reality of suffering, discouragement, disappointment, frustration, and death; he simply stated that the Kingdom of God would conquer all of these horrors, that the Father’s love is so prodigal that no evil could possibly resist it.

I read it 3 times, each time the ‘EVERYTHING WILL BE ALL RIGHT’ seemed to be in all caps although it was not.

In the end, He makes everything right.

He will wipe away every tear from their eyes.  There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.  Revelations 21:4

And then this video, in my inbox the day before Christmas.  I’ve watched it 4 times.

Advent Lament, Brave Merry Christmas

Written & Performed by Amena Brown: and Ann Voskamp

 So for us weary? How do we rejoice?

Remember He IS peace, and we can lean into that peace because ‘it is finished’.  There can be and will be peace on earth.

Listen. Be still. Remember you are complete. Remember that a Prince delights in you! He does not point fingers at faults.  He whispers ‘I know you are weary. Come close’ then grasps hard & gentle. He reminds in the end that nothing can separate us from his love. This love sent a baby Prince who grew up and said the words ‘It Is Finished’ that made it ALL all-right.

It is finished. It is complete. Everything is going to be all right.

Lift your weary head. Sing & celebrate with the angels….rejoice!

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