Simple Go-To Crepe Recipe

Folded crepe with strawberries and cream

You are going to love this simple go-to crepe recipe. We sure do. It is easy and so delicious! This is the first year that we have made crepes at home, but if I knew how simple they were to make, I would have started making them a long time ago!


Crepe Beginnings

Our crepe obsession started on a family trip to Breckenridge. This was a few years ago when our girls were young. We discovered the cutest little crepe shop in town and our girls were so enamored by all the choices of fillings and toppings. I remember their messy faces–you could clearly see what filling each one chose by what was left on their face!

They eagerly waited in line and once it was our turn to order, my youngest, Avery, would beg us to lift her up so she could watch the crepe maker swirl the batter. Her favorite part was when they would flip the crepe with a stick. Little did I know that years later she would be great in the kitchen and be flipping crepes of her own.


A Crepe Maker For Christmas

This past Christmas Avery received a crepe maker and she was delighted! I don’t like having too many kitchen gadgets, but I must say, this crepe maker sure has made the process easy and fun, and is worth having one more gadget!

It is the perfect size for crepes, has a lip that holds the crepe batter in while it sets up, and the crepes do not stick to it.

It came with 2 wooden utensils, one used to swirl and spread the batter evenly, which is really quite fun! The other is to lift and flip the crepe. I will include instructions for making crepes without the crepe maker, but I do recommend this crepe maker, especially if kids are helping in the kitchen. It makes for very easy and simple crepe-making.

Simple Crepe Recipe & Toppings

Crepes For Special Occasions, or Not!

We often make crepes on special occasions or on a slow Saturday morning. Father’s Day was the perfect occasion to make crepes–Todd loved that! Avery woke up with the fun idea of making crepes for her Dad, and I drove straight to the store for fresh berries and whipping cream. The photos on this post are from that day–I love how she set all the toppings out pretty for a special Father’s Day brunch.

We made them a few times during the summer as an afternoon snack, when we wanted a sweet treat but didn’t want to heat up the house by turning on the oven. My oldest daughter was a Nanny this summer and she brought her kids over for some crepe-making. They loved it! Crepes are great for all ages.


Our Favorite Way To Top Crepes

Our favorite way to eat them is with berries and homemade whipped cream. If it was up to my Avery, we would have Nutella on hand at all times to smear on warm crepes then top with berries. She loves chocolate, and when I won’t give in to buying Nutella, she will melt a handful of chocolate chips and add a dollop of peanut butter, stir, then spread on her crepe. At the very least, she will sprinkle chocolate chips on top!

We now have a local cafe that sells crepes. It is fun to get crepe filling ideas from them. They make one that is to-die-for with cookie butter and raspberry jam, then sprinkled with cinnamon-sugar. That combo is delicious!

The same cafe also makes savory crepes. I am super inspired by them and eager to experiment with savory fillings. I will let you know when I do.

 Banana Berry Crepe

Crepe Recipe

We tried a couple of crepe recipes but stuck with this one because it is not too thin, not too thick, tastes amazing and turns out every time. It is also a super simple recipe. It is very similar to Martha Stewart’s recipe, but I cut the sugar just a bit. This recipe takes minutes to whip up, but be aware that this crepe batter rests for 15 minutes before cooking. This gives the protein in the batter time to relax and the starch time to expand.

I love that it can be whipped up in a blender (you could use a hand immersion blender). The recipe uses simple ingredients and ends up being a pretty good carb to protein ratio thanks to the high amount of eggs in the recipe. If we keep things simple with berries and a homemade whip made from organic cream, it really is a low sugar breakfast treat.

Best Crepe Recipe

{for your pinning pleasure}

Simple Go-To Crepe Recipe

1 cup all purpose flour

1/4 tsp salt

4 large eggs

1 1/2 cups milk

2 tsp sugar

3 Tbsp butter, melted


1. In a blender, combine flour, sugar, salt, milk, eggs, and butter.

2. Puree until mixture is smooth and bubbles form on top, about 30 seconds. Let batter sit at least 15 minutes at room temperature (or refrigerate in an airtight container, up to 1 day; whisk before using).

3. Heat a 12-inch nonstick skillet over medium. Lightly coat with butter. Add 1/3 cup batter and swirl to completely cover

the bottom of skillet. Cook until the underside of crepe is golden brown, 2 to 3 minutes.

4. Loosen edge of crepe with a rubber spatula, then with your fingertips, quickly flip. Cook 1 minute more. Slide crepe out of skillet and repeat with remaining batter. (Coat pan with butter as needed.)

What about YOU?

Do you love crepes? Have you made them homemade? What are your favorite fillings and toppings?

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