I did not decorate every room. I added some decor to the living room and dining room, which is our main living space. I put a festive candle holder in the bathroom and a pumpkin in my sunroom. My kitchen got an apple cider scented candle. I let my girls go through the bins and choose some things they wanted in their rooms. Just a couple small things like a couple plastic spiders and a rubber mouse, a skeleton head. Things I didn’t want in my main living space, although they keep showing up all over, strategically placed to make Mom scream and jump.
Things I kept:
~monster jars made by little hands that bring the memories
~large lit pumpkin
~a few fake pumpkins and gourds
~festive candle holders to make our evenings at home glowy & fun
Things I got rid of:
~large outdoor decorations that take up too much storage room
~messy cotton spiderwebs that catch all things including dust and leaves
~old Halloween costumes
~old creations made by my girls, especially paper fragile ones (confession…I took a pic of a few for memories sake. It is hard to get rid of such cute little things!)
~lots of fake fall foliage that used to sit around and collect dust & get in the way of dusting!
~fall twigs for vases…I’m over it.
Last night was the first night with our minimal fall decor out. I really am starting to believe in this “less is more” thing. It was so warm and glowy and festive and fun in our home. The girls loved it and did not comment on missing any of the things that I didn’t put out. Love it!
8 Steps To Rescue A Room + Cleaning My Girls Room On Spring Break
This is a repost from the archives…one from almost exactly a year ago! It is fun to read and see how God has answered my wonderings in the below post, with this team of people I introduced you to yesterday. Pretty cool to see what can happen in a year AND I’m motivated to go clean up Lil’ Ones room again after reading this old post. I might even take a before and after pic for you this time!
Having my kids home for spring break has got me wondering…
…about this blog of mine. A hobby– turned passion– turned surprise income maker– now takes time. I now have advertisers, sponsors and write occasional posts on products and get paid for it. I find myself photographer, editor, writer, social media specialist, administrator, and receptionist all at the same time, and I LOVE IT! It has been a huge blessing, a surprise answer to prayer. We asked God about supplementing our income and what would be the best way to do that, and it seems like this blog is the answer. It brings me to tears when I think of the incredible gift I have been given, to spend time doing my passion hobby, and actually help the family income at the same time. I have God and YOU ALL to thank for that.
But, as spring break is here, and kids are home, I find myself wondering how in the world am I going to do it all come summer break? I have felt the pull the last 2 days, the pull between being a mom and being a blog writer. My little ones win in this tug o’ war game. I gladly give in. For you see, I now know that the moments are so precious, and are not forever. They pull, and I respond pulling them to me into arms that don’t ever want to let go. Oh if I could freeze these precious moments!
Arms right now are empty, as I sit here in a few surprise quiet moments, as all 3 of my girls are at a friends house down the street. Thank goodness for great neighbors, another answer to a prayer that we prayed.
Back to summer, I’m not sure how I will balance the two. I know so many of you do it, working mothers, and then those who are my heroes, single mothers. But, I do know that my family must always come first, and I must notice and cling to those moments that so easily slip past when I am too focused on work. I know my work is best when I am being the best mom and wife I can be.
I will probably sneak away to a coffee shop a couple evenings a week and take my laptop to the pool.
Another solution I have is bringing you into our days, sharing with you what we do, and keeping my posts simple. So today, you get to see what my youngest and I have been up to, and I will show you a glimpse of a fun little project we did yesterday with some of our neighbor kids.
My little ones room has been a mess, and I was hoping this would be the motivation she might need to get her room in order. I was right. As we were out to breakfast, little one asks, “Mom, do you think we could work on my room today, maybe rearrange it and find a special place for my new chair?” Yay! Because I didn’t over schedule our Spring Break, I was able to say “yes” and now her room looks great! She expressed such gratitude to me for helping her with her room, which melted me.
1. Gather all clothes on that are not where they should be. Sort dirty from clean. Hang up/put away clean & take dirty to the laundry room. If there are a lot of clothes to put away, grab a laundry basket and lay them neatly in there. Do not get distracted by spending too much time doing this. Once the room is clean, you can grab the basket and put clothes away. You will be much more motivated once you see the beautiful, decluttered and clean room!
2. Grab a trash bag and keep it close to throw things away. I like to hang it on the door knob of the room I am cleaning. Look around the room and get the big stuff that you know is trash. Getting clothes and trash out of the room will instantly make it feel cleaner and decluttered.
3. Make a pile outside of room that is for things found in the room that belong elsewhere. Could use a laundry basket for this, to make the process of putting it all away easier.
4. Make another pile outside of room for things you want to give away. Bag it up and take to car after the room is finished.
5. Look around room and get rid of anything you don’t love. Eliminate! Clutter attracts clutter.
6. Keep like with like, and find a place for everything now that the room is only full of the things you love. Everything needs a home.
7. Use a broom to get things out from under the bed. You will find most is trash or things you want to get rid of. If it was under the bed, it is usually not important enough to keep!
8. Now that everything is in its place, sweep, mop, vacuum, dust, wash the windows and wash the bedding. This is all so much easier to do once the clutter is gone!
As always, when I get into one project, it seems like the rest of the house falls apart, so I will take some time this afternoon rescuing my house! The weather is so amazing, I’m thinking it may be a great evening to pack a picnic and have Todd meet us at the park for dinner. It is 81 degrees and sunny, with just a slight breeze. Perfect!
Off I go to get to my rescuing, but before I do, here a quick peek at a super fun project we did yesterday. I will have a “how-to” post coming soon!
It was one of our most fun projects, the girls loved it, and I love that it is healthy for them–no chemicals!
Using Willow Tree Figurines For a Beautiful Thanksgiving Tablescape
Back to my sisters table, I am going to be sitting at that table later on this evening. We are celebrating Thanksgiving a day early with my side of the family, and I CAN’T WAIT! My sister has made it so easy on me this year. While she has been cleaning, decorating, baking, cooking and planning fun family games, I have been relaxing and roasting a turkey. Yep, that is all I have to do is show up with my turkey.
Fall is coming.
I have to admit, as much fun as summer has been, when I think of fall I get a bit giddy. I love a schedule. I love order. I love a picked up & clean house. Fall brings those things. My home is full of so many sweet young ones all summer long that it certainly does not stay in order.
Home decor and projects for sure take the back burner in the summer. Another reason to look forward to fall. I’m feeling the itch to update some things around here. Paint a few rooms, do a few decor projects.
Here are a few from my Home Decor Pinterest Board that I would LOVE to do:
I like that vase of limbs. That would be an inexpensive way to add some texture, height and interest to a room & to fill in a blank area.
You could easily change out the pictures, add children’s art, add color, inspirational quotes, scripture verses etc. Not diggin’ the curtains, though!
Hurricanes and dollar store pillars. I love candles in the fall and winter. I love large scale decorative items. I love cheap and simple. I love this!
Those numbers are rad. So is that door handle. The idea of planting grass in a planter and cutting it back in the fall for fall color, texture and beauty is brilliant!
Source: betterafter.blogspot.com via New on Pinterest
The size and layout of this bathroom reminds me of mine, but mine has white beadboard and the paint color above it is awful baby poo green. Sorry, there is just no other way to describe it. I don’t know why I chose that color over 5 years ago, but it must GO! My bathroom is dark, so the idea of shutters that still let in light but gives privacy is really appealing. I don’t think I could do the white shower curtain, maybe big grey and white stripes?
Ahhh… graphic pillows. I want one that says ‘Rest.’

Tis the season for graduation and graduation parties! This year is a special one for us. My husband is programs director for an organization called City Impact. He has the privilege of working with some pretty cool youth. He has led a group of boys the last few years and 3 of those boys are graduating this year. It has been amazing to watch them grow up into great young men who we know are going to make a difference in their community and in this world.
One of those guys is T.J. We are super big T.J. fans around here. He just has a gentle way about him, he is kind and smart and his smile lights the room. He has always been so great to my girls, he tops the list when they talk of all the “big brothers” they have. T.J. and his family are super special to ours, so I was really excited to help decorate for his graduation party.
One of the first places I checked out was our local dollar store. Working with T.J.’s mom and between the two of us, we were able to find all kinds of fun stuff there – from plates & napkins to a grad mug. They even had a fun poster to be signed by all who enter the party.
We will have 4 large round tables that I need a centerpiece for, and of course T.J.’s memorabilia table. He is a football player and has been very active at school so I have lots to work with for that table.
The venue that we will be having the party at provides black tablecloths, and I am putting a square of this awesome silver glitter wrapping paper I found at Michael’s Craft store in the center of each table, which will ground the centerpieces.
I am rolling up paper and tying black ribbon to make simple diplomas at each centerpiece. We also will have small mason jars with water and silver star confetti floating in it, along with a candle. T.J.’s mom found some black and white wrapped candy, so we will sprinkle that around each centerpiece for guests to help themselves to. I hope it turn out as cool as it looks in my head. I’m sure it will!
T.J. had some awesome poster sized photos of himself that we will place around, one on a mantle in the party room and a couple on easels. No one will question who we are celebrating, that is for sure!
For his memorabilia table, I plan on flanking the back of the table with white and black helium balloons, like in this photo.
Congrats, T.J.! Thank you for letting me be part of your day. We love you and are very proud of you!