Goodness, it has been a hot minute since I have written on this site. I miss it!
This past summer had me living day by day, minute by minute…and I have loved it. It was a strange feeling as I am usually a planner and like to think ahead and stick with the plan.
When God is in the minutes, living moment by moment is so very fulfilling and I feel more present than I ever have in my life. Minute by minute is a great way to live well!
It is not natural for me and the fall is bringing rhythms I am thankful for, but even now, I am enjoying a more fluid schedule and the unknown adventure each day brings. I will share more about what I’ve been doing in these more fluid moments soon, but for now…lets talk YouTube videos!
Here are some fun YouTube videos I have loved that have helped me live well in the moments lately. I love watching YouTube videos while relaxing in the evening.
Notice how many involve food! Ha!
I hope you enjoy them too!
12 YouTube Videos To Help You Live Well
Pour Over Coffee
I have been doing this Pour Over Coffee method months now and now know what an exceptional cup of coffee tastes like. It may have made me a bit of a coffee snob…or at least able to really appreciate a fine cup of coffee! No more expensive, plastic K cups or a machine taking up valuable kitchen counter space in our small kitchen. I always wondered if it would affect my health drinking coffee every day that had passed through plastic, and now I don’t have to worry.