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10 Ways To Sparkle & Shine This Holiday Season



1. Crest 3D White Luxe Supreme FlexFit Whitestrips

I cannot tell you how impressed I am with Crest 3D White Luxe Supreme FlexFit Whitestrips.  They WORK!  You wear a strip everyday for 2 weeks, an hour a day. These strips stick and stay in place–you can even drink water while you are wearing them.

I am about 12 days in and I can’t tell you the difference in my smile. It is pretty amazing. I drink a lot of coffee and tea so I was due for some whitening.  My brother-in-law is a dentist and approves of Crest Whitestrips. He even had my husband use Crest Whitestrips before fixing a front tooth veneer.  He wanted my husbands teeth to be as white as possible before color matching the veneer.  My husband and I were amazed by the results!  Nothing like having a professional recommend Crest Whitestrips for a professional result!

I had some sensitivity to the strips, so I used them every other day instead of everyday, and bought some toothpaste for sensitive teeth.  I had a cleaning in the middle of my whitening experience, and my dental hygenist approved and reassured me that the sensitivity would go away.  It has.

“Get $7 off your purchase of Crest 3D White Luxe Supreme FlexFit Whitestrips at”



2. Nails That Shine

One thing I love to do around the holidays, especially Christmas and New Year’s Eve, is wear a  glittery, shimmery or sparkly nail polish.  It looks so great & festive to have a little sparkle at the fingertips.  If every nail is too much for you, you could polish all of your nails a color of choice and put a coat of sparkle over the polish on ring fingers only.  It’s a ‘thing’ right now…ya know?

I was just recently introduced to the world of gel nail polish and WOW! I sure didn’t know what I was missing. It has been 3 weeks since my manicure and the polish still has not chipped!  I have stayed away from gel manicures as I like to keep things pretty natural and only used nail polish with less chemicals from my local health food store,  but now that I know what I’m missing it will be hard to not do it again!


3. Red Lips & Fun Lashes

I don’t wear red lipstick very often, come think about it, it really is only during the Christmas season that I do wear it.  I love how a simple red lip can make me feel festive, even if I’m wearing all black!  Hint: If wearing a red lip, keep eye makeup natural and toned down.  It usually takes a professional to balance made-up eyes with a red lip.  It is best to keep shadow neutral and light, with just a bit of natural brown eyeliner and mascara.  Choose to either make the eyes pop or make the lips pop, but not both.

A great way to make eyes sparkle is with false eyelashes.  I am wearing them in the picture below.  That photo was taken last year when my man took me out of my birthday.  I don’t wear false eyelashes often.  Really just for very special occasions — like a birthday date, anniversary date or a fancy party.


4. Shine Spray for Hair

Shine spray is my secret weapon against flyaway, winter static, and frayed ends.  I love it, and most brands work well.  The key is to not overdo it, or you will end up with greasy looking hair.  A little goes a long way.  Want a more natural approach to shine hair?  Do my coconut oil moisturizer treatment & then put a tiny bit of coconut oil on the ends of your dry hair to smooth dry ends.


5. Sparkly Headbands

I love that headbands are an option no matter what length your hair is.  I do feel like I’m getting close to the age where headbands might start looking a bit too juvenile, but I will keep wearing them, as long as I can get away with it, especially the more fancy ones with a bit of sparkle!


6. Necklace, Bracelets, Earrings

I have a pretty tame, some would say ‘plain’ wardrobe.  I buy a lot of black, grey & neutrals.  I buy classic.  To give my outfits some personality, I rely on accessories.  A necklace, bracelet or earrings are a great way to add a bit of specialness and sparkle to any outfit.


7. Shine From The Inside-Get Your Greens & Turmeric & Fluids

You all know how much I love drinking lemon water, as I talk about it all the time. It is another great way to shine from the inside out.  When you are dehydrated, it shows.  Being hydrated plumps skin up and helps it glow!

When I am drinking green smoothies, there is a noticeable difference in my skin tone.  When I stop, I look pale and drab. The dark leafy greens in smoothies really do help give some color to skin, as does a carrot thrown into those smoothies.

Good fats like nuts and avocados are a great way to make the skin glow, too. I love adding both to my smoothies.  I am sipping on a smoothie as I type this that is my Velvet Elvis smoothie but with 1/2 an avocado added.  Yum!

Another way to give yourself a bit of color from the inside out is taking Turmeric supplements or drinking delicious Turmeric Chai Tea. Turmeric is an amazing root with tons of health benefits.  The reason I take it nightly is because it is a natural anti-inflammatory and helps bring relief to joint pain that I experience as side effect from my cancer meds.  It is a supplement that I will take the rest of my life due to the health benefits.


 8. Statement Shoes

My birthday at the end of November, which I love.  My Todd and I do not exchange gifts.  Instead, we give each other the gift of experience and memory by going out on a hot date!  I love that my birthday falls right as the holiday season starts.  Everything always feels so festive and fun.  The one draw back is dressing up while it is cold outside!  I hate being cold, so I have found a lot of ways to make a pair of black slacks, leggings, or a great pair of jeans look less than ordinary.  The best way I’ve found to do this is by adding a statement shoe.  High heel is a must, and a shiny red high heel is my favorite around the holidays. I also love a great shoe in glittery gold or silver.


9. A Sparkly Scarf

I often fall back on this one.  I love showing up to a nice Christmas party or dinner with a warm scarf, and I especially love adding a bit of fun to my bland grey coat with a sparkly scarf.  Look for scarves with silver or gold thread or material running through it.


10. A New Do’

I’ve been crushing on Taylor Swifts bangs & had to copy!  I was looking through my instagram feed and a couple of selfies that I took seemed to be all forehead!  I decided I needed to soften it up a bit so I got my ends trimmed just yesterday and asked my stylist to give me the swoopy- side- Taylor Swift bangs.  She did it and I love it!  Follow my Instagram feed–I will post a picture of how I look with bangs soon!


What are ways you add some sparkle and shine to your holiday look?

Do any of these stand out to you?

How about those pearly whites?  Do they need a bit of Crest Whitestrips this holiday season?  They would make a great stocking stuffer, especially if you have teenager girls like I do! Shop at Target and pick them up in time for Christmas.


I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.
