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GF, Vegan & Raw/ RECIPES/ Sweets

Sweet Potato Chocolate Bites


by Teniel Moore, our Aussie Raw Foods Contributor 

At this time of year I get so inspired by all the American fall recipes. So I decided to make up these chocolate bites using sweet potato. This is not a fully raw snack due to the sweet potato being cooked but its still an amazingly healthy treat for you.

Of course with pumpkin so readily available in the States right now you can substitute the sweet potato for pumpkin.

These are not overly sweet as I made them when I was doing a strict candida cleanse so I used stevia instead. Like all my recipes please use whatever sweetener you prefer as long as its a healthy version.


Sweet Potato Filling

1 large sweet potato, baked
1 cup of coconut butter (3-4 cups of dried unsweetened coconut blended until smooth)
1 tsp of cinnamon
1/2 tsp of nutmeg
tiny pinch salt
1 Tbs of melted coconut oil
10 – 12 drops or more of stevia (or 1 tbs or more of rice malt syrup or maple syrup)

In a high speed blender blend well till combined, smooth and creamy

Set in fridge for a while to firm up then roll into bliss ball size balls and place on a lined tray in the freezer to harden. This will help set the chocolate fast.


Here are the balls rolled and on a tray ready to go in the fridge & firm up before they get the chocolate topping:


Chocolate Topping:

~About 1 Tbls of raw cacao powder
~Melted coconut oil (enough to combine well with cacao)
~Stevia to taste (or your sweetener of choice as above)
~Tinniest pinch of himalayan salt to bring out the chocolate flavour (optional)

Take the frozen sweet potato balls from the freezer and roll into the chocolate mix.
The chocolate will set fast so work quickly giving at least 2 coats.
Sprinkle with a tiny bit of salt to decorate if you desire (optional)
Set again in freezer and store in freezer

I enjoy these straight from the freezer as a great little snack or dessert.



Here are a couple of great ways to get the most out of this recipe & any leftover ingredients you might have:

~Instead of cleaning out your blender and trying to get all the remaining mix out, just add some almond milk, ice, more spices and stevia and make your self a smoothie.

~Keep some of the sweet potato mix in the fridge to make sweet potato creamy smoothies during the week. The mix will keep for a week in the fridge.




Raw Foods Contributor

Brunch/ Drinks/ GF, Vegan & Raw/ Healthy Eating

Matcha Latte & Matcha Chia & Pear Cereal


by Teniel Moore–Raw Foods Contributor

Want to try something new to drink thats full of amazing health benefits?
Have you tried a matcha latte? What is matcha?

Matcha is simply stone ground green tea leaves.

This tea is going to provide you with a powerhouse of antioxidants, vitamins & minerals. It is full of vitamin C, selenium, chromium, zinc & magnesium.

It can help calm & relax, burn calories, and is detoxifying. It is also rich in fiber –and that’s just naming a few of its benefits! If you are looking to add more nutrients into your day, ditch the coffee & try matcha. I buy organic matcha powder and a little goes a long way!

Matcha powder can be enjoyed in so many ways. Here are some ideas of how you can enjoy matcha:

• Creamy frothy coconut milk matcha latte (recipe below)
• Matcha milkshake over ice
• Matcha chia cereal (recipe below)
• Added to your green smoothie
• Throw some into your baked goods
If you have never tried this amazing green powder before, why not give it a try?

Here are 2 simple recipes for you to make using matcha:


Matcha Latte

1 cup of coconut milk (or any nut milk of choice)
1/2 tsp of matcha powder
Small amount of hot water to blend
~Heat your milk on the stove or use your coffee machine

~In a cup or small coffee plunger, add your matcha powder & mix a small amount of boiling water in and give it a good stir to break up all the lumps.  (A tiny whisk would be helpful, or for the matcha enthusiasts you can actually buy a bamboo matcha whisk also called a chasen. But that is totally optional. I just use a fork.)

~Once you have whisked the powder well then add your hot nut milk. I like to use a single serve coffee plunger when making matcha. I then use the plunger to plunge up and down fast to create lovely frothy milk.  If you do not have a coffee press, simply heat the milk using your coffee machine

~Serve in your favourite cup or bowl. Add sweetener of choice as matcha does have a slightly bitter taste. I use stevia but coconut nectar or raw honey would work great also.



Matcha Chia & Pear Cereal

1-2 Tbs of chia seeds
1/2 tsp of matcha
1 cup of almond milk
liquid Stevia (or sweetener of choice)
1/2 pear thinly sliced
crunchy topping for texture –I like to add dehydrated sprouted buckwheat

~Combine your chia seeds, sweetener & matcha powder with your nut milk in a serving bowl.

~Mix well and wait a few minutes for the chia seeds to swell.

~Thinly slice your pear & add half the pear to the chia mix along with cinnamon.

~Top it off with the rest of the thinly sliced pear and your crunchy topping for texture and another sprinkle of cinnamon.






Raw Foods Contributor

GF, Vegan & Raw/ Healthy Eating/ RECIPES/ Sweets

2 Raw Fruit Leather Recipes- Berry Pear & Pineapple Mint Kiwi Kale

Follow New Nostalgia

Addicted-To-Raw-Teniel-Moore-Apple-Pear-Fruit-Roll-Ups-1-WATERMARKED-171014 (1)_1

by Teniel Moore–our Austrailian Raw Foods Contributor

At times when fresh fruit is abundant I love to make fruit leathers, or as we call them here in Australia Fruit Roll Ups. I also freeze all types of fruit for use when out of season. Currently in Australia its not stone fruit season. We are in the middle of winter. So the recipe below is more suitable for what’s in season now.

However I do have a stash of mangoes in my freezer from summer that makes amazing fruit leathers also.

Like any of my recipes this is only a guide. The ingredient list for fruit leathers are endless. Today I will be sharing 2 recipes with you. I hope you enjoy them as much as we do. They make a great addition to a healthy lunch box for adults or children.

*You will require a dehydrator & a blender for this recipe.


Raw Berry Pear Fruit Leather


1 large apple

1 large pear

1 cup of frozen berries

2 leaves of kale or 2 leaves of silver beet (optional)

1 Tsp raw honey or coconut nectar to keep it vegan



Blend all the ingredients in a high- speed blender.

Then pour the mix onto dehydrator trays with the dehydrator sheet and spread evenly with a spatula.

This amount will make about 2 trays worth. Dehydrate on 105 overnight or until dry.

When ready the roll ups will peel easily away from the dehydrator sheets. Roll up the dehydrated fruit and cut into long strips. Keep in airtight container in the cupboard for up to a week.


Tip – If you add the kale or silver beet your kids will not be able to taste the greens at all. However the berries and greens will turn the roll ups a dark green once dried.

I look for every excuse to get more greens into my kids and this way I promise they can’t taste it at all, so why not add them!




Raw Pineapple Mint Kiwi & Kale Fruit Leather


2 -3 Kiwi fruit peeled

1/2 – 1 fresh pineapple

1 stem of curly kale

Generous handful of fresh mint



Blend all the ingredients in a high- speed blender.

Then pour the mix onto dehydrator trays with the dehydrator sheet and spread evenly with a spatula.

This amount will make about 1.5 – 2  trays worth. Dehydrate on 105 overnight or until dry.

When ready the roll ups will peel easily away from the dehydrator sheets. Roll up the dehydrated fruit and cut into long strips. Keep in airtight container in the cupboard for up to a week.


Other fruit leather combinations to get your creative juices flowing are

Mango & mint

Berry & Honey


Mango & coconut


Amy here: If you do not have a dehydrator, you can use the oven method below.

Here is what I do when making fruit leathers/roll ups:

~Spread out on freezer paper on top of a cookie sheet (can use waxed paper
~Put them in the oven for about *4-5 hours (150 degrees is recommended, the lowest my oven went was 170 degrees)
~Take them out, let them cool 
~Cut them into strips and rolled em’ up
~Store in a mason jar.  (or Ziplock bag or any airtight container)
*I put them in the oven after dinner and took them out right before I went to bed.  I let them sit out on the counter all night, then cut and rolled in the morning.  
GF, Vegan & Raw/ RECIPES/ Sweets

Chocolate Nut Log


by Teniel Moore–Raw Foods Contributor

I am a sucker for anything sweet. I always have to have something in my fridge I can grab to enjoy for that sweet fix.

My chocolate nut log is another super fast treat to make that you can adjust to include what ever you have in your cupboard.  This recipe is full of some great healthy fats and lots of chocolatey goodness from the raw cacao.  I hope you enjoy making this the next time your sweet tooth calls!


Chocolate Nut Log


1/2 cup of raw cacao powder

1/2 cup of raw coconut oil

Few pinches of good quality pink salt

1 heaped tsp of peanut or almond butter

1/4 cup of rice malt syrup * see alternatives

Large handful of macadamia nuts and almonds

Handful of shredded coconut



Turn your oven on and toast the nuts and coconut until the coconut is slightly golden.

Keep an eye on it as it can burn fast. Should only take about 10 minutes.

Melt your coconut oil and mix in all the other ingredients including your nuts and coocnut together in a large bowl.

Line a small dish or tin (I use a loaf tin) with wax proof paper and pour your chocolate mix in making it even and level. Then set in the fridge for at least an hour.

Cut into small squares and keep in fridge.

I have also made this log using walnuts and brown rice puffs. I’ve even skipped the cacao & sweetener altogether and used carob powder instead. So feel free to play with this recipe and add your favourites. Just keep it healthy!



If you can’t find rice malt syrup then add any sweetener that you enjoy.

maybe 2 -3Tbs of maple syrup tasting as you go and add more or less as needed.




Raw Foods Contributor

GF, Vegan & Raw/ Meals/ RECIPES/ Sides

Spicy Chipotle Tomato Sauce


by Teniel Moore–Raw Foods Contributor

Want dinner made in way under 10 minutes?

Then keep reading and get the recipe below for my Spicy Chipotle Tomato Sauce.


For those of you that follow me on my face book page Addicted To Raw, you will

know that at the beginning of February I went on a raw food cleanse.


I eat lots of raw in my diet but not 100% so I like to do reboots like this every few months.


This is where I choose to eat raw, almost completely raw (except for a few sneaky chai’s)

but I did admit that to my followers that I am going to have a hot tea if I feel like it.

So I am being naughty!


I love doing these raw food cleanses because it reminds me of why I love raw food so much. I love the simplicity of it and how I can get so much flavour from my food using all natural ingredients.

It gets me back into experimenting and using my imagination as to what I can come up with.

This raw food cleanse I’ve had an addiction to zucchini noodles and the sauce I made. I must have made this for dinner about 5 nights in a row, so I thought I would share it with you all and hope you enjoy it as much as I do.


Spicy Chipotle Tomato Sauce

Serves 1 (generous serving)

Large handful of cherry tomatoes or about 2 large tomatoes

3 delicious sun dried tomatoes
Generous pinch of himalayan salt
Generous dash of smoked paprika

Generous dash of chipotle powder (I use Frontier brand)

1/2 small knob of garlic
1/4 large red capsicum (red pepper)

Throw all your ingredients into a blender and blend till smooth.I love to give mine a good kick of spice so I am quite heavy-handed with the chipotle.Pour straight over your pasta of choice. To keep it raw I use zucchini noodles or you could use kelp noodles.This would be lovely over cooked gluten-free pasta. also. and don’t forget to throw in additional flavours like olives or basil if you fancy. I have just been enjoying it as is or with a dollop of my cashew cheese on top.


Its summer over here in Australia so it’s a perfect meal in the heat. If you want it warm you can heat the sauce on the stove or warm in your dehydrator if you have one.

Hope you try out this super easy recipe. Its a great one for a fast lunch or dinner.



Teniel Moore of Addicted To Raw

Raw Foods Contributor

GF, Vegan & Raw/ RECIPES/ Sides

Raw Corn Chips – Jalapeno Style


by Teniel Moore–Raw Foods Contributor

I’m not going to lie. I love to snack on something crunchy…and I don’t mean a cucumber! Sometimes you just want that savory chip that you can eat on its own or dip into something delicious like — fresh salsa.

So for those of you like me that want to enjoy chips during this after-holiday season and want something that contains few whole ingredients then this recipe is for you.

* This recipe does require a dehydrator – I use an excalibur 9 tray


5 cups of organic corn
1/2 cup of golden flax
Himalayan salt to taste
Jalapeno – as much as you like. I use half a small slice (optional)
Juice of a lime
1/2 yellow onion
Garlic (optional)
Coriander (optional)TIP: I only ever buy organic corn to avoid GMO’s. Its foreign to our bodies and so our poor body does not now how to deal with it. This can lead to all sorts of problems down the track. So always look for foods that are non GMO. I also try to limit my corn intake even when its organic, as sometimes it can be hard on the digestive system.But once in a while its a yummy treat and we all need to have balance in our diets. Right?


Whiz the corn first in a high-speed blender.  It will probably need some water to get it going. Add water as you need it.
Then add onion and other things like lime juice. Give it a really good mix in the blender so it’s all smooth. At least a minute in the vitamix.It should be like a paste sort of consistency. You need to spread on the dehydrator sheet quite thin & score into corn chip size triangles, dehydrate for about 4 hours then peel it off the sheet and cook it for another 16 hours or so until it Is dry.
Store in an air tight container & enjoy with some guacamole or salsa.

So get dehydrating so you can be snacking on some wholesome corn chips as a great post-holiday snack!


Teniel Moore of Addicted To Raw

Raw Foods Contributor
Brunch/ GF, Vegan & Raw/ RECIPES

Warming Flax Porridge


{by Teniel Moore – Raw Foods Contributing Author}

I know it’s getting colder in your parts. Spare a thought for me melting over here in Australia as we gear up for another hot summer.

 I’m always thinking of you and the food you would most enjoy during your seasons.

No point me posting my latest popsicle recipe for you now! That can wait till summer.

So here is another fuss free super fast recipe for you all to try this winter season.

I love it because it’s totally gluten-free, so that’s a bonus for those of you that can’t eat oats for brekky.

 It’s full of healthy fats to sustain you and basically all raw apart from some hot water.

So let me give you the recipe so you can whip it up in a about a minute.

Warming Flax Porridge

  • 1/2 cup freshly ground golden flax
  • 1 tsp coconut oil
  • Sweetener of your choice (I use stevia–you could use raw honey or coconut nectar)
  • Generous dash of cinnamon
  • Boiling water (enough to make a porridge consistency–start off 1/4 cup then keep stirring and adding more as needed)
  • Pinch of good quality salt

Grind your golden flax seeds in either a coffee grinder or your blender. I use my vitamix for this part. Then boil your jug.

Pour your ground golden flax into a small breakfast bowl then pour over some boiled water quickly stirring so the mix does not clump together.

Add in your coconut oil, cinnamon and sweetener and continue to stir.

Top with your favourite berries and I sometimes like to add a dollop of coconut yogurt.


Tips: Don’t buy pre ground flax seeds (called flax meal) It’s really just a waste of money. Ground flax seeds go rancid very quick so it’s always best to grind flax just before you need to use it.

Store flax and other nuts and seeds in the fridge or freezer to help them stay fresh longer

Flax seeds are like chia seeds when it comes to absorbing lots of liquid. So be sure to add enough hot water to make the mix a nice smooth porridge like consistency.


There you have it. This little flax porridge will sure make your rushed breakfast time a whole lot easier. Now you have no excuses to not eat a healthy and sustaining breakfast this winter.

