by Teniel Moore, our Aussie Raw Foods Contributor
At this time of year I get so inspired by all the American fall recipes. So I decided to make up these chocolate bites using sweet potato. This is not a fully raw snack due to the sweet potato being cooked but its still an amazingly healthy treat for you.
Of course with pumpkin so readily available in the States right now you can substitute the sweet potato for pumpkin.
These are not overly sweet as I made them when I was doing a strict candida cleanse so I used stevia instead. Like all my recipes please use whatever sweetener you prefer as long as its a healthy version.
Sweet Potato Filling
1 large sweet potato, baked
1 cup of coconut butter (3-4 cups of dried unsweetened coconut blended until smooth)
1 tsp of cinnamon
1/2 tsp of nutmeg
tiny pinch salt
1 Tbs of melted coconut oil
10 – 12 drops or more of stevia (or 1 tbs or more of rice malt syrup or maple syrup)
In a high speed blender blend well till combined, smooth and creamy
Set in fridge for a while to firm up then roll into bliss ball size balls and place on a lined tray in the freezer to harden. This will help set the chocolate fast.
Here are the balls rolled and on a tray ready to go in the fridge & firm up before they get the chocolate topping:
Chocolate Topping:
~About 1 Tbls of raw cacao powder
~Melted coconut oil (enough to combine well with cacao)
~Stevia to taste (or your sweetener of choice as above)
~Tinniest pinch of himalayan salt to bring out the chocolate flavour (optional)
Take the frozen sweet potato balls from the freezer and roll into the chocolate mix.
The chocolate will set fast so work quickly giving at least 2 coats.
Sprinkle with a tiny bit of salt to decorate if you desire (optional)
Set again in freezer and store in freezer
I enjoy these straight from the freezer as a great little snack or dessert.
Here are a couple of great ways to get the most out of this recipe & any leftover ingredients you might have:
~Instead of cleaning out your blender and trying to get all the remaining mix out, just add some almond milk, ice, more spices and stevia and make your self a smoothie.
~Keep some of the sweet potato mix in the fridge to make sweet potato creamy smoothies during the week. The mix will keep for a week in the fridge.
Raw Foods Contributor