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steel cut oatmeal


2 Minute Steel Cut Oatmeal

I have received mixed reviews on my Overnight No Cook Breakfast Chia Oatmeal Pudding, people either love ’em or hate them. 
 I thought I would give you another favorite oatmeal recipe, that is much more “normal”:)
I LOVE this method of making oatmeal, because it takes 2 minutes to throw together, and it makes enough for the family to eat all week!  My girls just take an ice cream scoop, scoop out a serving in the morning, and heat it up in the microwave.  A cheap, healthy and easy breakfast!
All you have to do is dump in 1 cup of oats for every 4 cups of milk and water into a dutch oven or casserole dish, add a little salt and then leave it in the oven for an hour.
That’s it!!
I got this idea from Giver’s Log, she has the cutest story of her husband and his longing for the perfect, creamy, dreamy oats.  She finally was able to satisfy his longings with this recipe.
She has pictures of the different ways they enjoy their oats, so click on through if you are curious.
We like ours with fruit and honey, dried cranberries and brown sugar, or just plain cinnamon and sugar. I do like to throw some chia seed in for extra fiber and protein.
Here is the recipe from Givers Log
Two-Minute Weekday Steel Cut Oatmeal

1 cup steel-cut oats
3 cups water
1 cup milk
1/4-1/2 tsp salt
Preheat oven to 300.
Dump oats, water, and milk into a large, oven-safe pan with extra depth for oatmeal to expand. Add salt. All of this will take you a grand total of two minutes, hence the recipe name. Cover if you want. Or don’t. I’ve done both.
Bake for an hour or two. Seriously, can you believe how easy this is? If you bake a little longer, the oatmeal will be more custardy when you refrigerate. Bake a little shorter if you like your oatmeal saucy.
Store in the fridge. Oatmeal will keep for five days or so. When you’re ready to enjoy, scoop out a bowlful and warm in the microwave. Once it is warmed, drizzle with soy milk (my favorite) or cream. Add something sweet and enjoy.

A little bit about:
Navitas Naturals Chia Seeds Aztec Superfood, 16 Ounce Pouch

Chia seeds and I are becoming fast friends.  Why?
~the are jammed packed with protein and minerals and healthy fats and fiber
~they provide more plant based Omega 3’s than any other food, even FLAX
~they have 5 GRAMS of fiber PER TABLESPOON!
~they are flavorless and dissolve in juice, soups, stews, shakes etc..
~they are FILLING!
