I was excited to have Pot Holes & Pantyhose link up her DIY Organic Eye Makeup Remover at Anti-Procrastination Tuesday. It is a simple, 2- ingredient, super pure and healthy recipe. I made it myself and I am loving it! Not only does it remove my eye make up beautifully, but it moisturizes the fragile skin around my eyes with wonderful, gentle organic ingredients. I LOVE IT!
I found this little bottle at my local heath food store. Same with the Almond Oil. I have been finding all kinds of fun DIY beauty recipes that I will be trying, so in the future I am planning on using Mountain Rose Herbs as my one stop shop for organic ingredients and containers.
They carry all kinds of essential oils and butters. They also have almond oil. They have a wonderful reputation, so I feel very confident sharing their store with you all!
Homemade Organic Eye Makeup Remover
{recipe makes 3.5 ounces}
4 TBLS Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil
3 TBLS Organic Almond Oil
Using a funnel, pour ingredients into a container of your choice. Use a small amount on a tissue or cotton ball and wipe that makeup away!
Potholes and Pantyhose has the breakdown of the cost of this. Let’s just say it is super cheap, especially compared to similar products in the store. I am excited to have Almond Oil on hand as I am stumbling upon some great recipes that use it. More to come!