I’m not sure where I found the idea of Morning Pages, I believe it was on Instagram somewhere, and I was instantly drawn to such a simple idea:
Write 3 pages, in the morning, about anything you want.
I’ve been doing this for about a month and have enjoyed putting pen to paper and the freedom it gives to just breathe out my unedited thoughts. I have found it very freeing.
Some days it is list form and feels productive and a way to clear my head. Somedays I vent and it feels relieving and therapeutic. Sometimes it turns into words of thankfulness for this life I get to live–that is what happened today and I will share what I wrote below.
When I write my Morning Pages, I simply use a Moleskine journal and my favorite Sharpie stainless steel pen and make it part of my morning routine. I usually am sitting in what I call my ‘nest’ (a cozy corner chair in my bedroom) with the lights low, soft music playing, the diffuser going, and coffee on the warmer by my side.
This early morning routine has become a favorite part of my day, and I will write in full detail about it soon–it involves prayer, a couple of my favorite apps, meditation, music, essential oils, coffee, writing & yoga. Ahh…I’m eager for tomorrow morning just writing about it!
But first, today. Today is my birthday. I turned 42.
As a cancer survivor, I find myself quite surprised to be this old. Because my cancer was a later stage, I have a high chance of recurrence, but thankfully that statistic comes down with each year.
I am 7 years out, and I feel my heart could burst when I think about what a gift it is to have yet another birthday.
When I am 10 years out, my chance for recurrence will plummet. I am careful about expectations, and that is ok because it helps me stay thankful for each and every day!
Morning Pages Journal Entry:
November 27, 2017
Lord, you are good.
You’ve given me life…42 years.
Today is my birthday.
The blessing of years…of time with my loved ones and this good (sometimes hard) but mostly good life.
You are a gift giver.
You wake me today with a list of gratitude on my mind first thing, you help me to see all the gifts.
I sit and inhale–the gift of scent. Frankincense diffused!
And then, a feast for my eyes…the most glorious of sunrise, pinks and bright shades of oranges! You even sign your name on this gift, an electric wire pole in the shape of a cross, positioned right next to the glorious rising sun, a reminder of your Son. I go to daughters window for a better view!
I sit back down in my cozy nest chair, sounds of calm music coming from speakers and morning voices of my 3 Lovelies drifting up through the vent.
I open your Word and you give yet another gift. Familiar words spoken so loud to me over the years, your voice reminding me to delight in you. Psalm 37:4
How could I not?
I read further and tears come, even a gentle reprimand from your word is so loving and personal.
It shows you know my thoughts, such intimacy.
I am fully known and fully loved.
“Find your delight in the Lord. Then he will give you everything your heart really wants. Commit your life to the Lord. Here is what he will do if you trust in him. He will make your godly ways shine like the dawn. He will make your honest life shine like the sun at noon. Be still. Be patient. Wait for the Lord to act. Don’t be upset when other people succeed.
But those who are free of pride will be given the land. They will enjoy great peace.
Those who do what is right will be given the land. They will live in it forever. The mouths of those who do what is right speak words of wisdom. They say what is honest. God’s law is in their hearts. Their feet do not slip.
The Lord saves those who do what is right. He is their place of safety when trouble comes.”
Psalm 37:4-7, 11, 29-31, 39 NIRV
You allow my birthday to land on a Monday, you know it is my most favorite of days.
A day to recover from a holiday weekend and get back to routine. You know I thrive on routine especially the one you have shown me:
The routine of dawn.
The sun rises and with it my most precious moments with you.
These favorite morning meditative moments of breathing you in and filling my mind what matters most.
Your glory.
Thank you for another year of life.
May I have another and yet another after that?
I ask and you remind —
“better is one day in Your house than thousands elsewhere.” Psalm 84:10
And so I remember, no matter the day, whether here or in eternity, you are and will always be with me.
So…for this day,
& all my days,
I thank you.
What about you?
Do you regularly journal or want to?
Does the idea of Morning Pages appeal to you?