Participating in 5 Minute Friday.
5 minutes to write about one word. Unedited.
Because He says so, I will.
He says to shine bright, but in the night, my faith dims.
Morning comes, along with light.
“*Hope sweet hope, like a star burning bright.”
I check my inbox, words from a friend point frantically.
I look where she is **pointing– it is to the Light.
“Let there be light.”
I drive out-of-town, a day away, the sun so bright with rays splayed.
His Light and smile shine down for the hour drive.
It is brilliant because He is.
“Let there be light.”
I sit and ponder, a message comes–words from a friend of affirmation.
They know how fast and hard the darkness can come. They have lived it.
They see me shining.
It is not me they see, it’s Him,
This is the because:
His brilliance shines despite weakness.
Because He spoke, I can and will.
“Let there be light.”
**Video sent to my inbox. “Let There Be Light”
*a lyric from Remedy Drive — “Hope”