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fruit salad

Brunch/ RECIPES/ Sides

Fruit Salad With Honey Lime Glaze

Honey lime glaze for fruit salad

 This Honey Lime Glaze is the perfect go-to recipe to make your fruit shine–literally!  I love taking a fresh fruit salad to a party, and this glaze keeps it just sweet enough and moistened.  It allows the fruit to show off its beautiful texture, color and flavor.


Fruit salad


Fruit Salad With Honey & Lime Glaze
Prep Time
10 mins
Total Time
10 mins

Inspired by Oh! You Cook!

Recipe Type: Brunch
Servings: 6
  • 1 pt. container strawberries
  • 1 pt. container blueberries
  • bunch seedless grapes (about 1 1/2 lbs. - green, red or a mixture of both)
  • 3 clementines (or an orange)
Lime Glaze
  • 1/3 cup honey
  • 2 Tbls lime juice (about 2 limes)
  • zest from 1 lime
  1. Rinse strawberries, blueberries and grapes.
  2. Gently pat dry the fruit.  Hull strawberries, then cut each in half; if large, cut into quarters.
  3. Remove stems from blueberries, if any.
  4. Remove grapes from stems.
  5. Peel & separate clementines. (or peel and chop orange)Gently combine  all three in a large bowl or aluminum tray.  Set aside.
  6. In a small bowl, whisk together honey and lime juice.  Pour over fruit.

Fruit Salad With Honey & Lime Zest Dressing

Fruit Salad with honey and lime zest dressing

This recipe for fruit salad is my kind of recipe.  Healthy, beautiful, simple & easy!

I invited a group of women over today and this fruit salad was on the menu.  These women are friends of mine, and we all had a wonderful experience together at a weekend retreat called Jumping Tandem Retreat.

I’m excited to share with you all what God has been doing in my heart since the retreat, but that is for another post.  Let’s just say that the theme for the retreat was “your big, amazing, ridiculous dream” & I have been dreaming ever since I got home!

I was too nervous to do much dreaming there, as I was one of the workshop leaders and public speaking is something I’m just getting used to doing, so my brain was preoccupied.

Amy Bowman Social Media Seminar

But, something I was not too busy to notice was the authenticity of each and every woman there and the beautiful connections being made.

It was a place where we could all just come, be who we are, be encouraged that we can be all that God made us to be, and lay down whatever was weighing on our hearts.

In one of the sessions we were encouraged to anonymously write down our prayer requests, and today this group of women and I ate together, then spent time in prayer over these precious prayer requests.

It was an honor to be in possession of them and to be trusted to lift them up to God.  There was much need in some of these stories, some have stayed on my heart all day and I will be taking them before God more than once, that is for sure!

Back to this lovely fruit salad…I wanted to keep things light but also knew our meeting time of 11:00 was a time that stomachs start growling.  I kept the food simple, here is the menu:

~Fruit Salad With Honey & Lime Zest Dressing
~Pretzels Chips & Roasted Red Pepper Hummus (Trader Joes)
~Tortilla Chips & Peach Salsa (Trader Joes)
~Wheat Thin Type Crackers & Fiesta Lime Chicken Salad (Trader Joes & Health Food Store Deli)
~Dark Chocolate Covered Almonds With Sea Salt (Trader Joes)
~Hot Coffee
~Hot Tea

I told the ladies they were welcome to bring a snack to share, or just show up…whatever was best for them.  I had a friend bring some scones which rounded out our menu quite beautifully!

Notice the only thing I had to make was the fruit salad & coffee, and that was SO easy.  The fruit salad was delicious.

The dressing adds a touch of something special, a tangy but sweet citrus flavor.  It also gives the fruit a great shine.

Our time of eating and prayer together was beautiful.  I’m so very blessed to have such great women in my life!

Honey and lime zest dressing


Fruit Salad with honey and lime zest dressing

Fruit Salad With Honey & Lime Zest Dressing 
{Inspired by Oh! You Cook!}
1 pt. container strawberries
1 pt. container blueberries
1  bunch (about 1 1/2 lbs.) seedless grapes (green, red or a mixture of both)
3 clementines (could use an orange)1/3 cup honey
juice from 2 limes (about 2-3 tablespoons)

zest from 1 lime

Rinse strawberries, blueberries and grapes.  
Gently pat dry the fruit.  Hull strawberries, then cut each in half; if large, cut into quarters.
Remove stems from blueberries, if any.
Remove grapes from stems.

Peel & separate clementines. (or peel and chop orange)Gently combine all three in a large bowl or aluminum tray.  Set aside.
In a small bowl, whisk together honey and lime juice.  Pour over fruit.  


To meet my wonderful friends who joined me in prayer today, see below:
Michelle DeRusha 
Lelia Chealey
Helen Fagan

Brunch/ Healthy Eating/ RECIPES/ Sides

Rainbow Fruit Platter

Whenever I’m asked to bring a dish to a potluck type dinner, I have to make a choice between bringing owey- gooey -chocolaty- naughtiness, or something to show off that a plant based diet can be delicious, too.
Honestly, I often choose the naughty, because a girl can’t be good all the time and lets get real, naughty is fun! A potluck is a great excuse to make something yummy to share with others, all the while keeping it out of my own house as there is never leftovers!
But sometimes, I know there will be plenty of sugar at a gathering and I bring something that I know everyone will enjoy & that is good for the body, too.  I love showing others that eating healthy can be a delicious and beautiful experience, and what better way to do that then with the beauty of a rainbow fruit platter?
Would you look at all those beautiful colors, shapes and textures?  God sure is a great artist.
This platter was a cinch to put together.  All fruit was from Trader Joes.  I loved that they even had kumquats!  I ran to the store the morning of our family potluck, grabbed the rainbow of different fruits, and had my girls help me wash and arrange them onto a large platter.  The cantaloupe and pineapple were already precut.  I rarely pay the extra money for this, but this day convenience was worth the extra pennies!
Everyone “oooed” and “awed” over this platter as I walked in with it.  It was especially so fun to see the excitement of kids!  They love anything bite sized and bright colored.  When I went to grab the platter at the end of the potluck, there were only a few lonely grapes rolling around.  Who knew that fruit would be as popular as chocolate?


Easy Yogurt Fruit Salad

I’ve made this many times, with all types of different fruit.  Usually, I’m cooking dinner and decide we need a colorful, healthy side (we even call this dessert at our house, see this post).  I gather whatever fruit we have in the house (fresh or frozen), chop it up, and add whatever yogurt we have in the house.  If we only have plain yogurt, I will add honey and sometimes cinnamon, depending on the type of fruit we have.

It’s a no recipe, recipe.  Fruit. Yogurt. Toss. Done!
*I just made granola for the first time.  Watch for the recipe…it would be great sprinkled on top of this!
