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To Write The Mind Alive

 SEND- proprioceptive-method-writing

Five minutes to write on the word: SEND.
Write–don’t edit–just 5 minutes to be in the moment.



Send thoughts upward than inward.  Zero in.

Simply scribe them.Easier said than done, it takes such honesty.

Even if not meant for anyone else, what if someone stumbles upon them?

It is quite a courageous venture, this one I’m about to go on.

To write the mind alive.

I wonder if these 5 minute Fridays have given me a glimpse of what it might be like. Five minutes goes by like a blink and one has no choice but to just write their immediate thoughts.

Writing the mind alive…what’s the word? Proprioceptive Writing? Yes.

It is a whole new world of real.  I have always thought I wrote real, but here before me is another level.

I am eager to send my exact thoughts to paper. Eager to explore and see where it might lead.

It will be different to pen them onto paper, instead of typing and pushing send.

Would you like to come on this adventure with me? Yes? Grab an unlined journal, a candle, a bit of Baroque & a copy of this.




VOTIVO Red currant. My ‘by-far’ favorite candle that my Mommy always gifts to me. You will love it!

Click here to buy.


Happy to be linking up to 5 Minute Friday.
