He tells me to simply love.
Love, pure with out self-interest.
Without seeking return.
Without being disappointed when it is not returned
For you see, I am so deeply loved–that is why I can love.
I can say “yes” to this call of love
Love poured out.
Love poured over.
Grace has overflowed onto me.
I am abundantly surrounded, love swirling,
caught up and enraptured by love.
Love as fierce as a hurricane
and I bend beneath the weight of this God love.
Its bigness cradles, a hammock for my heart.
He rocks me gentle.
Movement– love moves.
It flows, it pours, it comes toward.
I am called to love.
I am called to move toward.
I can, I am God-breathed empowered
I am loved.
Inspired by my reading in
I Timothy 1:14
“And the grace (unmerited favor and blessing) of our Lord flowed out super abundantly and beyond measure for me, accompanied by faith and love that are in Christ Jesus.”
I John 4:19
“We love because He first loved us.”
Maybe you need this reminder today? I sure did. I had a rough Monday morning as a Mom & tears flowed. I know I am called to love. To come toward. Sometimes this calling can feel next to impossible because my own emotions and hurt feelings get in the way. The type of love God calls us to is only possible when we recognize how very completely & perfectly we are loved by our Creator. His love, grace and blessing flows SUPER ABUNDANTLY & BEYOND MEASURE. Did you get that? Think about it for a minute. A perfect God loves super abundantly & beyond measure, right here, right now, no matter what–more than we can even imagine. We cannot even grasp this, yet I find myself asking God to help me KNOW this, for I know that it is only through His love that I myself can put aside my pride & hurt feelings, move toward, & simply love.
{A Fav Song Of Mine}