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My Square Foot Garden Progress

Variety of herbs

Square foot gardening is one of the BEST projects I have ever done.  I cannot tell you how much joy it is to grow fresh herbs and vegetables with minimal amount of work!  I have two, 4×2 feet garden beds along the side of my home.  It is the only place other than our front yard that gets enough sun, so we were limited, but thanks to square foot gardening I can still grow an abundance of organic food for our family!

I built these beds 3 years ago, other than the initial work of building the beds and mixing “Mel’s Mix” (the KEY to square foot gardening & my gardening success), square foot gardening is one of the easiest things I have done.  There is NO weeding.  Watering is minimal as the Mel’s soil mix absorbs and retains moisture, and the only thing I do each season is add one bag of compost to each bed at before planting.

Square foot garden progress

In this bed I have 4 tomato plants, 5 pepper plants, and a squash.  Not bad for such a little space, huh?

Tomato plants

My tomato plants are looking happy.  I cannot wait for tomatoes straight from the garden!

Patty pan squash plant

My Avery was excited about this Patty Pan Squash plant.  They look like little flying saucers! She has delighted in watching it grow.

Growth of squash plant

Just 3 short weeks ago this squash plant was tiny with just a few little leaves.  Now the leaves are as big as my head!

Bell peppers

We eat a lot of bell peppers around here, so seeing the pepper plants flower makes me anticipate a great crop.

Bell peppers in a garden


Plants in garden

Square foot garden progress

In my second bed, I have 2 types of lettuce, which is ready to harvest and will be replaced with swiss chard.  I love using these greens in my green smoothies or juicing them.  I also love going out right before dinner and snipping off a few leaves for a dinner side salad.

Two types of lettuce in garden

Beautiful leafy textures, showing off as light bounces off.

Basil in garden

I grow a lot of basil every year.  I use it in my simple spaghetti sauce, to make pesto, and my favorite…tomatoes on toast ,which is an easy version of bruschetta.  I also use it in my creamy avocado dip, which is a $100 prize winning recipe, thanks to a contest I won with Avocados From Mexico.

Dill in garden

Dill is one of my most favorite herbs.  I use this on roasted potatoes and in a quiche.

Rosemary in garden

Rosemary is such an earthy and beautiful herb.  We love it on roasted vegetables, especially roasted potatoes.

Parsley in garden.

Parsley is an incredibly detoxifying herb.  I am growing a lot of it and will use it in juicing and to flavor just about every dish I make.

Do you garden?  What is your favorite thing to grow?  Have you ever thought about square foot gardening?

Square foot garden book
This is the book I used.  Best way to garden!
Click here to order, and I will get a small percentage.
Thank you!!



More on Gardening From New Nostalgia:

Last Years Garden Progress

Swiss Chard From My Garden

Square Foot Gardening –Just beginning to grow

Harvest From Last Years Garden

My Square Foot Garden with Dio

Garden Markers

Past Highlights of My Garden

Growing Herbs In Pots

Growing Radishes

FAMILY/ Spiritual

I Finally Found a Word for 2013


I’ve been keeping my eyes and ears open for the perfect word for 2013.  I found this beautiful image on Pinterest and immediately knew I had stumbled upon my word.  Couldn’t you just spend an afternoon (or 5!) curled up on that couch with a book and some chai?

words of calm

This is the opposite of worry, fear, anxiety & fretting.  It is only accomplished in me through the power of Him. It will remind me of the deep trust I have in God and His goodness, that nothing passes through His hands to me that He is not aware of.  It will remind me that “Life is NOT an emergency”-Ann Vosamp.  It will remind me to be serene enough to be present in each moment, continuing to remember to life this life NEW!  Cancer did not take my life, and I see that as an opportunity to live intentionally.  Submitted to my Creator.  Calm.

My Simple New Year’s Resolutions
1. Get my greens daily.  In salads, smoothies or juicing.
2. Get to the gym, 3 hours a week.
3. One load of laundry per day.  Washed, dried & put away.

Below is the juicer I use and love!
Click here for my posts on juicing/juice recipes.
Breville juicer
The Lettered Cottage
