Frugal/ HOME

No Spend Week

So I updated my bathroom this last week, and spent a little more than I wanted.  I will be sharing the results of that update sometime soon, and I’m super happy with it, but boy…the numbers add up quickly!  I got a new shower curtain, paint, some hooks, a new rug, a new tp holder & the most expensive purchase; new towels.

 We are also finding ourselves a bit short on grocery budget, due to how expensive it is to stock up the kitchen again after being out of town.  We also had a very sick week with 4 trips to the doctor which meant paying a $40 dollar co-pay 4 times!  One more recent expense was all 3 of my daughters growing like weeds and needing some fall/winter clothes.  Thank goodness for 40% off sales!

Because of these few things, I thought it would be good to have a ‘no spend’ week.  Here is what that means for me.  No spending unless I absolutely have to.

This is tough, because honestly, we are quite frugal already, so to find more ways to cut expenses is not easy.

Some ways I plan on doing this:

~use a gift card I have to a coffee shop.  I love to work at coffee shops. I can concentrate so much better! I am relieved to know I have a gift card tucked away in my purse.  It was an early birthday gift from my Mother-in-Law.

~have a friend over for brunch instead of going out to lunch.

~have an ‘eat from the pantry & freezer’ week.  I bought quite a bit of groceries last week, and with Thanksgiving this week we should be able to get by without having to buy a bunch of groceries.  We are having Thanksgiving at my sisters, and all I have to bring is the turkey, which yes, qualifies as an ‘absolutely necessary’ purchase.  Funny that I am bringing the turkey when I don’t eat turkey..huh?

~stay home.  I have all kinds of things I need to get done at home.  Laundry. Projects. Organize photos.  If I stay home, I am less likely to spend money.

~ask for accountability.  I think if I tell you all what I am doing, and post an update on what I spend this week, I will be very purposeful in my purchases!  So yes, I will let you know what I spend and why in a post next week.

~practice thankfulness.  How fitting on the week of Thanksgiving.  The more thankful I am for the things we do have, the less I find I really need!


We have done a ‘no spend month’ before, but that seemed a little daunting, especially with the holidays coming up.  I will start with this ‘no spend week’ and maybe make it two?

What about you?  What are your favorite ways to watch what you spend?

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  • Duane Scott
    November 20, 2012 at 3:01 am

    Love this idea. 🙂

  • upnorth
    November 19, 2012 at 11:28 pm

    Good luck!! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

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