No Bake Chocolate Cookie Dough Bites

Follow New Nostalgia


August is a great month to use a recipe that does not require heating up the oven, although these No Bake Chocolate Cookie Dough Bites are great to eat any time of the year!

Speaking of August, we are a week and a half away from my 3 girls heading back to school.  I will have 2 girls in high school, a freshman and a sophomore, and one in middle school.

As you might have noticed, the summer got the best of me and I have been pretty MIA when it comes to blogging.  There are many reasons why, of which I will share with you in upcoming posts, but it sure felt strange to step away from the computer and just focus on getting through a very challenging and busy summer. I have had this blog since 2007 and have never taken time off of writing regularly in it. I feel that things are starting to get back to normal, not just myself emotionally, but also with a fall schedule coming.  I do best with a schedule!

One thing that happened this summer was that we got a complete kitchen makeover! I was out of a kitchen for about a month, and we had to get pretty creative with meals around here.  Now that the kitchen is finished (I will show you in a post coming soon!) my youngest has been very eager to get in there and make something! She is my little baker and is constantly surprising me with fun recipes that she finds on Pinterest. Yesterday I was back- to- school shopping with my Colsie girl, and came home to cocoa powder scattered on my new countertops, a sign that my little one had been busy whipping something up and enjoying the new kitchen.

She proudly presented these No Bake Cookie Dough Bites, and let me tell you, they are GOOD! They hit the spot when it comes to a chocolate craving, as the chocolate is pretty intense.  They are almost like a dark chocolate, but still sweet enough for my two older daughters to enjoy who usually don’t care for dark chocolate. They are rich and fudgey and oh so good!


No Bake Chocolate Cookie Dough Bites

{inspired by this recipe}

¾ c all-purpose flour

6 tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder

1/8 tsp salt

1 tbsp butter or margarine, melted and cooled

¼ c unsweetened applesauce

½ tsp vanilla extract

½ c light brown sugar

Whisk together the flour, cocoa, and salt in a small bowl.  In a medium bowl, stir together the butter, applesauce, and vanilla until thoroughly combined.  Mix in the brown sugar, smearing any clumps along the side of the bowl.  Add in the dry flour mixture, stirring just until incorporated.

If the dough is too sticky to shape, refrigerate for 20-40 minutes (or freeze for about 10 minutes).

Line a baking sheet or large plate with wax paper.  Roll the cookie dough into 32 little balls, using between 1-11/2 teaspoons of dough 9in each ball.  Place on the wax paper until ready to serve.

Keep the cookie dough bites in the refrigerator.  Their flavors meld over time, and they actually taste best after sitting in the fridge.

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