HEALTH/ HOME/ Homemaking

My Slow & Steady Approach To Essential Oils

organic essential oils  

I am slowly but surely getting super addicted to essential oils.  I know I’m a bit late to the game, but I was skeptical and just didn’t want one more thing to have to spend money on.

But then I started talking to women.

Women who were raving about replacing items in their medicine cabinet with oils, who were adding it to their homemade cleaners to KILL mold & mildew, & who were diffusing it into their homes to create an atmosphere and actually CHANGE the mood of their homes, and who were rubbing them on husbands sore ankles for instant pain relief!

These were women, friends & even family members that I trust…so I started listening!


organic lemon essential oil

Slow & Steady Approach to Essential Oils

My approach to essential oils is slow & steady.  The buying a lot of high-quality oils at once is inexpensive, so I have decided to go slow and do it in an affordable way.

I’m excited to slowly but surely share with you my journey.

So far, I have bought and used Tea Tree Oil Lemon Oil,Lavender Oil. 

I use Tea Tree Oil in my Epsom salt mix to take detox baths. 

I also have also used lemon essential oil in my homemade glass cleaner which gives it a lovely cheerful scent and influences my mood while I clean.

Aroma Soft Essential Oil Diffuser -- best diffuser!

My Favorite Essential Oil Diffuser

My favorite and most recent purchase for essential oils was an AromaSoft Ultra Sonic Essential Oil Diffuser.  This diffuser is budget friendly and after trying several different brands and types, this is the one I love.It is awesome!

An oil diffuser is a wonderful way to get the therapeutic scent of oil into a larger space. This one fills up my whole living room and dining room.

You fill the diffuser with water, add a few drops of your favorite essential oil or blend a few scents together (so fun…I love Peppermint and Lemon together!) and enjoy the scent in your home.

It is so great to know the scent is healthy and good for my family to breathe…unlike many scented candles out there that are full of chemicals and allergens!

So far my favorite oils are citrus essential oils —Lemon, Grapefruit & Lime— as they are great for uplifting the mood and good for any season.

With 4 females in the house and 3 of them being teens and preteens, a good mood lifter is always appreciated!

I am now researching an oil to diffuse for dry membranes.  I am on a new medication that causes my sinuses to become so dry!

The dry winter air of the Midwest sure does not help.

I am looking into some Peppermint Oil and Oregano Oil to put onto cotton balls into a mason jar and inhale to soothe.  This will be a fun mixture to attack my poor sinuses.  I will let you know how that goes.


What Brand Of Essential Oils Do I Use?

As far as what brand I decided to go with…well…that was a big and long and drawn out decision.

I did a bunch of reading and got more and more discouraged with the competitiveness of the different oil companies.

Many comments I have read about different companies from one company representative to another were just plain not nice!

I believe there are numerous good companies out there selling oils, large and small, but I personally prefer to go with a company that is smaller & does not rely on pyramid- type sales.

This is a very personal decision, and it truly is an individual decision.  If you use a larger company, please know that is fine too & that I am just happy that everyone is pursuing health in alternative and healthful ways.

Despite the numerous great companies out there, there ARE companies out there with very cheaply made, diluted and impure oils, and I did not want to be throwing my money away!

It was important to me to choose a brand I can be confident in and believe in.


lemon and frankenscense organic essential oils

Rocky Mountain Oils Essential Oils It is!

Rocky Mountian Oils is the company I decided to go with. Their offer oils that are all organic & pesticide-free, wild-crafted (if available), a wonderful company with great smelling oils for really reasonable prices.

They source their essential oils from reputable distillers that they know personally and trust.

They also allow me to link their products here, and if you make a purchase after clicking through to their site to mine, I will earn a commission, but your price remains the same.

If you are an essential oils lover or just intrigued by them and want to support New Nostalgia in this way, please know I am so very appreciative of your support and the funds will go back into New Nostalgia to make it an even better place for us all.

bottles of essential oils

Want to try a sampler kit?  



I now have the BEST tool for those just starting out–25 Essential Oil Blends Recipe Cards are formula cards to keep right at your fingertips and use over and over again.

With this set, you will receive 25 different essential oil blend formulas, all that are made from just 10 different affordable oils, 4 of which are the most common oils that most people have on hand – lemon, peppermint, lavender, and tea tree.

Examples of blends: Clean Air, Relaxation, Focus, Wake, Good Day, Sinus Relief & more.

Buy them here at New Nostalgia Shop.

How about you?

Have you tried essential oils?  Do you want to?

If so, what is your favorite way to use them?


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  • Crystal Cosand
    January 26, 2015 at 3:24 pm

    I have been using essential oils for a couple of years now. Slowly adding to my collection. Two summers ago my son and I went to Boy Scout Camp. I was informed the knats at this particular camp were terrible. I HATE bug spray! So, I knew there had to be an oil I could use! I did a lot of searching and bought some products including witch hazel and spray bottles and a couple of oils I wanted to mix. My order didn’t come in in time! So I decided I would just use peppermint oil and distilled water. Worked great (had to re-apply often), smelled great and many kids and adults were asking for a “spray”. (Also doubled as sunburn relief on the back of my neck!) What I didn’t know at the time… and what my point with this message is… I used a plastic spray bottle. I have since learned it is not a good idea to use plastic with essential oils. The plastic can leach into your oil. So my advise to new users of essential oils is to be sure to use glass containers! Definitely going to check out Mountain Rose! Thanks for all your posts!!!

  • Chris
    January 25, 2015 at 8:34 am

    Do you remember the oil used for the husband’s ankle pain, that you read about?

    • AmyNewNostalgia
      January 26, 2015 at 10:12 am

      I don’t remember but I do know that frankincense is said to be anti-inflammatory and spearmint has analgesic, anesthetic qualities to it. That is where I would start. I believe most oils need to be put into a carrier oil before applying topically –I have yet to get that far in learning/using them, but just a heads up for you! If you click through any of the links above it will take you to Mountain Herb Rose Site where they sell both the oils and the carrier oils.

    • Chris
      February 6, 2015 at 9:15 pm

      Thank you.

  • REK981
    January 23, 2015 at 1:06 pm

    That is a lovely diffuser! I am looking for a good one. How long have you been using yours?

    So far my most favorite oils are meleluca (tea tree) and frankicense. I mix them and add to coconut oil for my skin/acne. Any and all citrus to uplift my mood. Lavendar for claming. Clary sage for cramps. Peppermint for headaches. I use Doterra purify blend for cleaning. I make my own disposable cleaning wipes for messes as well as in an all purpose cleaning spray.

    Plus many many others! Between my mother and myself we have close to 50 oils and oil blends. We’ve made our own little travel kits and rollers of various blends for aches, congestion, burns, acne. We are going to make lipbalm next.

    Mountain Rose Hebs is amazing! They have so much great stuff! Enjoy!!

    • AmyNewNostalgia
      January 23, 2015 at 1:28 pm

      Oh how I love your comment! I might have to take notes. 🙂 Thank you for your fun suggestions and enthusiasm.
