
My Prayer Bench-Revisited

I thought I would re-post this, as I’m enjoying company and have not had time to write.
I was over at Ann’s place today, and her post “How To Build A House Of Prayer” is a must read, and reminded me of how grateful I am to her for inspiring my own little area of prayer in our home.

I have found a spiritual mentor in blogosphere. Her name is Ann Voskamp and her blog is called “Holy Experience.” I have talked about her here, and continue to be a huge fan. The way she writes and experiences God just hits a chord with me. I feel she is able to put on paper emotions, feelings and thoughts I have but can’t express. She expresses her heart beautifully, I just jive with her! I am so thankful to have found her and can learn from her.

I’ve been reading through her series of spiritual practices with an eye out for posts on prayer. She, of course, did not disappoint. She’s written much about prayer, but this post made my heart yearn for what she had. She wrote about creating a space in her home specifically for the act of prayer. I finished reading the post with a longing for one of my own. A day later, I have one.
We have a landing area upstairs that tends to be unused space. I walk through it numerous times a day to get to my bedroom. It is a favorite space of mine, because of the many windows that allow light to stream in. Yesterday it was full of Christmas bins waiting to be put into the attic. Today, it is an intentional meeting place with my God. I had some time there with Him today. It was peaceful and I felt great anticipation of precious time to come. I had just finished that time when I received an email from a friend whose family is experiencing the pain of cancer. I knew where I would go to kneel and ask God to give them peace, and back up the stairs I went. I know I can pray anywhere, anytime, but there is something special about having a place, an intentional place.
For me:
  • It is a place that says “God, I want to meet with you”
  • It is a place that allows me to stop and kneel for sixty seconds in the midst of busy life.
  • It is a place that draws me to sit and stay, to meditate, journal, read and pray.

It is also place where others have been… John Piper writes…

“…when we bought our first home, I built a prayer bench with a place for my elbows in a kneeling posture, and a place for my bible to lie, and a shelf underneath for the Bible or other books and a notepad… There the prayer bench welcomes me every morning and several times during the day. God alone knows the tears and songs that have mingled there. I urge you to think creatively.

Seriously consider building a place of prayer…”

I considered.

I found:

  • A bench we have had sitting in our sunroom.
  • A basket given to me by my mom for Christmas.
  • A candle and matches.
  • Books, Bible and journal.
  • Pens and highlighter.
  • Rocks that remind me to “remember the works of the Lord.”
  • A pillow given to me from a friend.

And now I have a simple meeting place- A prayer bench. This post is linked to: Finer Things Friday @ The Finer Things In Life Show And Tell Friday @ My Romantic House

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  • Jodz
    June 26, 2010 at 9:56 am

    Cool. What an awesome prayer space.

  • *Nikki*
    June 26, 2010 at 4:09 am

    looking for a place for a prayer bench..i could use the little bench in my entry way…hmm?

    I love that with a prayer bench..God will have HIS place.

    I want to thank you for introducing me to Ann’s blog too! What an inspiration!

  • Amy Kinser
    June 26, 2010 at 3:34 am

    Very very awesome!

  • jeana
    June 25, 2010 at 10:02 pm

    I absolutely love Ann’s blog also. I just FEEL The Holy Spirit all over it. I was thinking of a place for a prayer bench, and you’ve inspired me even more =]

  • Sara
    June 25, 2010 at 7:58 pm

    I was in love with your header and now am instantly in love with your blog after reading only this post. We may be moving soon to a new home and I think a place of prayer is in order when I begin to plan my decorating. Thanks for the inspiration.

  • Vic
    June 25, 2010 at 4:41 pm

    Adore it:) xoxox have a happy weekend!

  • Untypically Jia
    June 25, 2010 at 3:39 pm

    Absolutely beautiful!!!

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