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My Fall Morning Routine-Revised

I have posted my morning routine before, but as life changes, so do routines, and I thought it was time for an update.  I have felt it change, morphing on its own into a more simple routine as I have learned to be more efficient with my time in the mornings.

Here is my new Morning Routine list:

{In My Room-7:15}
~Give Day To God
~Make Bed

~Read 1 Chapter of the Proverbs
~Get Dressed/Hair/Makeup/Teeth

{In Kitchen}
~Make Girls Lunches
~Empty/Fill Dishwasher
~Make Coffee
~Make Lemon Water
~What’s For Dinner?
~Supervise Girls Breakfast & Vitamins 

{2 Daughters Leave for School, 7:45, I Wake up Youngest}

{Whole House}
~Reboot Laundry
~House Pick Up
~Wipe Glass Tables
~Wipe Bathrooms

{Take Youngest to School -8:45}

{In Office}
~Breakfast/Vitamins/Coffee (yes, I eat at my desk)
~Go Through Email
~Check Calendar

{Whole House}
~Clean Mama Daily Cleaning Goal or Zone Work
~5 Minute Hot Spot


Here are some additional thoughts on each item on my list:

Make Bed
I do this right when I get out of it!  

{my prayer bench is now at the end of my bed, which leaves no room for the workout mat–oh darn.}

Give Day To God
This is a quick acknowledgement at my prayer bench, a prayer that God would use me how He sees fit, and that I would be mindful of Him throughout the day.

{prayer bench.  Curious?  Read more here.}

One Chapter Of Proverbs
This is also done at my prayer bench. My Grandpa did this everyday.  There are 31 Chapters in Proverbs, so whatever day of the month it was, that was the chapter he would read.  I now do the same.  Proverbs is such a great instructional guide to living.  I love the small reminders, and pray that it will help me grown in wisdom.

Get Dressed/Hair/Makeup
Sometimes I even shower…lol. {Actually, most days I shower at the gym}

Make Girls Lunches 
My girls are very independent and responsible thanks to their age (12, 11 & 9),  and their own charts and morning routine, so the only thing I have to do for them in the mornings is make their lunches and occasionally help them with their hair.

Empty/Fill Dishwasher
Gotta start the day with a clean kitchen.  This is the only way I can motivate myself to cook.  No cooking means no eating healthy, so kitchen must start out clean at the beginning of the day!

{I’ve been making Iced Lattes lately. Love this one- 3 ingredient Mocha Almond Iced Latte}

Make Coffee
My favorite.  I get giddy about this.  Mmmm..the smell!

Make Lemon Water
While coffee is brewing, I make a quick glass of lemon water.  I won’t let myself drink coffee until I have had a full 8 ounce glass of lemon water.  A great way to start the morning.

Supervise Girls Breakfast & Vitamins
There is something about us all in the kitchen together in the morning that is positive.  I like knowing what each girl chose to eat for breakfast, making sure they got at least one fruit.  I also have them tell me when they are taking their vitamins so I know they get them into their little bodies each day!

What’s For Dinner?
It is good for me to think about this at the beginning of my day.  Especially when thawing meat is involved or if I want to use the crock pot.  It eliminates last-minute-before-dinner trips to the store because I check to make sure I have all I need at the beginning of the day. 

Reboot Laundry
A load a day keeps the smellies away!  I am working hard on this one.  It really is doable if I just make myself think about it, which is why it is on the list.  I make sure I set the timer in the kitchen when I come back upstairs as a reminder to go switch loads.

This one is super easy and a habit.  I just go into each room and make sure there is nothing in there that does not belong, a quick pick up.  Of course, I ignore the growing “Hot Spots” those will be taken care of later.  It is only easy because part of my girls morning and evening charts is “pick up personals,” which means they go into each room of the house and get anything they have left out and put it away, leaving very little left for me to pick up.

 Wipe Glass Tables 
I have a kitchen table and dining room table that both are glass.  They need wiped numerous times a day, especially after my girls have had breakfast at them. 

Wipe Bathrooms

I use Flylady’s “Swish & Swipe” system.  Basically, you keep toilet bowl cleaner in the container of the toilet brush, so everyday you just grab it and do a quick swish (not a good idea if you have small kids, unless your cleaner is non-toxic).  I also take a paper towel and vinegar spray to quick swipe the mirror and sink area.  “Swish & Swipe” keeps the bathroom company ready with just seconds a day. (I do deeper bathroom cleaning once a week, this just keeps it shining throughout the week).  

{my go to breakfast–Overnight Chia Oat Pudding}

Pretty self explanatory.  I need a good breakfast and to remember to take my vitamins.  I love this time of day, sitting down at my desk with coffee and breakfast, checking in on my social media and chatting with some of YOU!

Go Through Email
If I don’t do this daily, my inbox becomes a mess.  Still learning this one… MY INBOX IS CRAZY right now.

Check Calendar
I do this as part of my evening routine, but a quick peek in the morning is always good, too.  I use iCal on my Mac. 

{Clean Mama Has a Free To Do List Printable, which is very fitting for this post!}

Clean Mama Daily Cleaning Goal

After sitting at the computer for awhile, and before doing any time consuming photo editing or post writing, I get back up and get my body moving again.  I have been using Clean Mama’s Cleaning Routine and I have loved it.  If you like her on Facebook, her fun symbols will come through on your news feed each day, which is a great visual reminder of what to do each day!  Check out her Etsy shop for more amazing free printables, and for a discount, look to the left in my sidebar and you will see her offer of 20% off for New Nostalgia customers.  Love me some Clean Mama!

A part of the Flylady System that I love is called “Zone Work”  It eliminates spring cleaning and instead divides your home into zones that you work on, one zone a week.  You set a timer, and spend only 15 minutes in each zone each day.  The key to this is stopping after 15 minutes, trusting that there is always tomorrow, or knowing that zone will come around again in a few weeks. So doable!

 5 Minute Hot Spot
Also part of the Flylady System, a “hot spot” is any spot in your home that erupts into clutter easily.  For me, it is our study closet, our desk, our stairs, my trunk, certain drawers, an area that collects clothes in my bedroom…I could go on and on.  Spending 5 minutes a day in a hotspot keeps these areas under control.  I am amazed at how well this one works.  Again, the key is stopping after 5 minutes and knowing you will have 5 more tomorrow..  


There are a lot of things on the list that we all do everyday. Seeing them listed makes it seem like a lot, but really, it is not.  Many of them only take a minute or 2.  This is what works for me, it is not for everyone, and it would look different if I had to leave for work every day. It really, really makes a difference in my day when I do these things regularly and purposefully. This list keeps me on track and helps things run smoothly around here!

If you are an App person, an app that I am head over heels for is called the HomeRoutine app.  It allows you to custom make zone and routine lists, and gives you stars for each thing you accomplish that day.  It keeps to do list for the day, for tomorrow and for later.  It is so handy and has really been a fun way to keep my home up!

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  • Tali
    September 26, 2012 at 6:20 am

    Wow- just came across your routine post and I love it! I have just left a fairly structured workplace where I would spend up to 10 hours of my day at. Being at home during the day has left me a bit at odds….I am so going to try the daily cleaning goal and zone idea. Plus- lemon water here I come. Thanks so much for sharing.

  • labbie1
    August 25, 2012 at 3:27 am

    This is so great! I am a flybaby and really appreciate flylady! I like your Proverbs. Perfect! I want to add those to my daily routine as well! 🙂

  • Peppermint Ph.D.
    August 23, 2012 at 10:43 am

    I so love the prayer bench and the Proverbs a Day routine…wow! I too find that my morning routine changes over time. I’ll be looking more closely at your cleaning routines; I certainly do better with a few minutes per day cleaning but I could definitely use some more structure in this area. Thanks for all the great tips! 🙂

    • Amy Bowman
      August 23, 2012 at 2:10 pm

      Yes, routines totally change. I find mine changes with my children’s ages. I don’t have any structure in the summer, so when fall hits I’m almost giddy over structure!

    • Carrie
      August 23, 2012 at 6:47 pm

      Amy, do you only do 1 hotspot a day? Do you find that’s enough? I have been *trying* to do flylady for a long time but I get bogged down in perfectionism trying to do fire drills etc….I have so many hotspots 🙂 I love your blog and learn so much from it 🙂

    • Amy Bowman
      August 23, 2012 at 8:07 pm

      one to two…usually one. It is not enough but will be eventually. I only do bit and pieces of the flylady system. Right now I’m just doing morning routine, 15 minute zone work and 1-2 hotspots a day. The key is NO PERFECTIONISM and stopping after 15 minutes in zone and 5 in hotspot. My new mantra is “there is always tomorrow.” Routines for me and the kids are also key, so the rest of the house isn’t coming unglued while I work on zone and hotspots. I hear you about the perfectionism. I’ve been doing flay lady a long time and just now getting why she always says “baby steps!” What is nice is now I’m at least to the point that my hotspots are usually hidden from public view 🙂 a drawer here, a closet there…

    • Amy Bowman
      August 23, 2012 at 8:09 pm

      Oh…another key her saying “you can’t organize clutter” I get rid of stuff almost weekly now and I’m very strict about what comes in my door. I now view every “sale” item as something I have to clean, dust, store or move. When I view it that way, sales no longer call my name or give me permission to by just cuz it is cheap!

  • Carolina Trelles
    August 22, 2012 at 7:56 pm

    Amy I love your blog! You have very inspiring posts and pictures. It’s great that you start your day dedicating it to God first of all… just great! 😉 Do you speak Spanish? I’m starting a blog myself, if you want to follow it it’d be nice 😉
    http://www.trellesdearillo.blogspot.com or at twitter @trellesdearillo

    • Amy Bowman
      August 23, 2012 at 2:09 pm

      I do not speak spanish, but I’m sure I have readers who do! Blessings on your new blog venture and thank you so much for your sweet comment
