Here is how my cancer story began. My story entwined with your story, as you all walked with me, touched my heart and lifted my head.
{keep scrolling for all cancer story links}
August 2010
As some of you might have noticed, I have not posted in awhile.
I’ve been a bit busy— getting diagnosed with breast cancer.
How’s that for getting to the point?
The tumor is quite large, 4 centimeters. {*update…MRI showed it to be 6 centimeters} There may be lymph nodes involved, we are still in the initial testing phase. I had a CT scan and a bone scan today, the CT scan did not show any other areas. Praise God! I will get bone scan reports on Tuesday. Next week will be a busy week of MRI, PET scan and meeting with my Surgeon, then Oncologist. We will know the exact stage the cancer is in and the plan of action by next Thursday. I’ve been told by my doctor to be ready for aggressive treatment, which she guesses will include chemotherapy first, to shrink the tumor, then surgery.
I’ve had many different moments the last few days. I have felt intense fear and anxiety to the point of physical sickness, but also moments of sweet peace and thankfulness. It’s quite a roller coaster, a scary one that quite frankly I would really like to get off of.
We told my three girls tonight (ages 11, 9 & 7). They were so very sweet. We cried together, they came to us for hugs, then they held each other. They asked lots of questions. We were very honest with them and will continue to be. They took it in a much more calm manner than what I expected, which was nice. They are processing and will continue to do so. We spent the last 10 minutes of our family meeting dreaming up a Halloween costume for their bald mama! The best we came of with was twins…my husband is bald. 🙂
This blog has always just been about my life. If we make a craft, I share it. A new recipe, I write about it. Thoughts in my head…out they come down onto a post. I really don’t know any other way to blog other than just share my life, so this blog is about to have a new subject added to it. Cancer is life right now, it is pretty much an all consuming fight, so I ask you to bear with me as I write and fight. I won’t be able to post as often, and the subject matter will be pretty real as I really don’t know how else to be. Thank you so much for being such great readers and such an encouraging community. I will let you as much as possible how I am doing.
Before I sign off, I’d like to tell you that the ONLY way I am getting through any of this is by the help of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. He is my everything. He is faithful. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. I will praise His name no matter what happens. He has so clearly told me that He is with me, and will never leave me or forsake me.
August 2010
Details of how I found the lump
September 2010
A poem that expressed my heart
Link to site, port surgery & fluid on my heart
Lost freedom, frustration & love from my Fathers.
Thoughts & pictures
2 of my favorites that helped get me though
Counting the gifts even through cancer
Fighting Cancer With Nutrition
My beginning steps
The amazing stories begin..
The hair starts to go.
The whole saga..
October 2010
My Bro-In-Law Rockin’ The Bald Look With Me
Baldness support and preparing for chemo #2
Thoughts of my mortality, & raw emotions.
How songs helped me cope
Getting Pain Checked Today
My spleen acts up
Learning To Dance
One of my most heart felt writings. It was healing to write.
A song and some important thoughts on hope.
Chemo Round 3
Preparing and a song that kept me happy
One Thousand Gifts
Counting the gifts in the midst of cancer
Another song that spoke deeply to me
November 2010
Chemo Side Effects
A list of side effects and what chemo patients consider a good day.
A Rambling Update On My Health
Lymph nodes, plastic surgeons, surgery & radiation plans.
December 2010
My Continued Journey With Cancer
Meeting with my surgeon, preparing for mastectomy.
Finding it through song.
Breast Redo’s & Nipple Tattoos?
Awareness, Amy style 🙂
Am I Really Cancer Free??
A short lived freedom from worry.
Do Not Fear
A song and my thoughts
New Test Results Show Cancer
This news was almost as hard as original diagnosis. Rough.
Dancing With My Husband In Minefields
His knee surgery, my mastectomy. He is my hands, I am his feet. Dancing!
A Detailed, Disheartening Update
One of my lowest times in my cancer journey.
January 2011
Cancer Update: Pathology Results
An update written by my husband. His first post ever on the blog.
He Is Lifting My Head
An peace and joy that passes understanding.
Help In Time Of Need
A past poem I wrote, 10 months before diagnosis, asking to be broken then healed.
Riding The Twists and Turns
Stuck in the “waiting for test results” line.
My Oncology Appointment Today
“Reading about my insides being studied on the outside freaks me out”
No More Chemo and a Plan Of Action
Ductal diagnosis changed to Lobular. Lots to process!
Cancer Battle Update
“L” is for lymph, not loser!
Cancer Journey Update
A lump. Another surgery. Radiation postponed.
February 2011
Cancer Update
Surgery. A blown I.V. & God’s amazing Words to me.
A Real & Healing Transfusion
Words of mine written before needles, pokes and tubes were part of my life.
2 Cancer Journal Entries
Peaks & Valleys. A great day. A bad day.
You Are All I Need
A song, sent by a friend, right when needed.
I Found My Spring Wardrobe
Stupid –Ha!
When I Leave
A song by JJ Heller
March 2011
Being Held
A breakdown. Hard days. Weary from radiation.
Laura Story “Blessing”
A song & starting Tamoxifen.
Last Radiation Treatment
Not quite ready to celebrate
April 2011
It’s Not Too Late
A song, reflections, and the death of a friend.
What’s Next On My Cancer Journey
A bone scan, & plans for another reconstruction surgery.
I Am Romanced
Spring in my step
Scan Results
Good news, but a scary reaction.
Psalm 91
A chance meeting with a friend. Her perfect words.
Lingering fatigue & medication side effects.
May 2011
A Reminder to Breathe
A song from Laminate
Healing from Surgery
A link to details
The Healing
Hair is growing! My thoughts on the healing process
Reading and Relaxing
Surprised by after treatment, lingering fatigue
A Lump and a Biopsy
Just when things were starting to feel normal again..
June 2011
One Thousand Gifts
Thankfulness in Cancer
July 2011
One Thousand Gifts
A Vacation. Celebration.
Happy Anniversary, Husband!
Celebrating who my man was for me during this hard year.
August 2011
A “TMI” Health Update
Cysts and a sliding implant
I Hate Cancer
A bit of a pity party, but real.
Reflecting On Cancer
One year since diagnosis. My exact thoughts when I got that dreaded call.
September 2011
You Are
A song that lifted my heart
A Health Update
Another TMI post. Too many female parts are talked about!
Surgery Tomorrow
To fix my sliding implant
An Update
My thoughts when waking up from surgery
Living Like I’m Dying
A song, & a test to explore stomach pain
October 2011
Health Update
Stomach test results.
November 2011
A Health Update & A Confession
Another lump & scans.
December 2011
A Health Update
A lymph node to be watched, & words of love for my Oncologist
Chest MRI
Thoughts in my brain during an MRI
January 2012
What a Difference a Year Makes
A picture says it all
Not As I Pictured
Relating to another survivor
One Thousand Gifts
She is a gift cancer brought to me, all the way from Cali!
February 2012
Strong But Scared
Her story is my story, but it is not, but it could be.
A Glimpse of Life A Year Ago
Finding leftovers of life fighting
March 2012
Decluttering & Finding Chemo Memories
How words helped me
Pain, Perspective, & a Spot On My Kidney
Getting quite good at waiting.
April 2012
A Health Update
“Yippee Do Da Hallelujah!”
May 2012
My body is in remission, but my soul is still sick
Thank You, Mom
She was there.
July 2012
A Health Update-It Is No Coincidence
3 Month Checkup, A Thickening, & Another MRI
Waiting And An MRI Scheduled
MRI Results
Another MRI experience, another negative result. So thankful!
August 2012
Good To Be Alive
It really is!
September 2012
I Am Weak
Medication side effects
October 2012
Struggling Well & A Health Update
Oncologist visit. Xray of a bump on my clavicle bone
Music Speaks When I Can’t Find My Words
A song, memories, and a thank you to my caregiver heart friend.
March 2013
6 Month Checkup
She wants to scan due to weird symptoms + it has been a year!
Potassium Deficiency & Scan Time
Such strange symptoms, getting worse.
Scan results!
August 2013
I Get To Live Longer, My Heart Soars, & God Kisses
October 2013
I’m Getting New Implants and More Reconstruction
Details on why
Surgery Day
A quick greeting
2 Surgeries In A Week? Oh My!
A failed expander and one of the hardest weeks.
Needles The Size Of Coffee Stirrirs
Starting Goserelin / Zoladex Shots
November 2013
another setback on the way? Giving thanks in the unknown.
December 2013Fightning Infection — Christmas countdown & fighting infection.
Breast Reconstruction Results — A doctor’s gamble, and being part of the 10%.
Zoladex Side Effects –A 2 Week Journal — Feeling Hot! + Armidex update.
January 2014
He Is Making Me— chest pains and pouting.
February 2014
Figuring Out What New Means — wondering about ongoing symptoms.
March 2014
Blood Test Results — relief + dealing with new med side effects.
May 2015
A Health Update — nausea & possible surgery
Time For Scans — & the best of girlfriends
Health Is A Gift — Scan results
October 2015
Trust — finding normal
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