Christmas/ Seasonal

Memory Tree

We have a tradition where each family member gets to choose a new ornament every year.  Todd started the tradition when we were dating, and we have done it every year.  It is my favorite family tradition, it is so much fun to take them out of their boxes, reminiscing about years past.  

We make sure we get the Hallmark brand ornaments.  They come with the date on each ornament, they are well made to last throughout the years, and the boxes they come in are great for keeping them protected when being stored.  We shop for them a day or two after Christmas, when they are half off.

Come with me on a tour of our memory tree!

This was the first ornament we purchased together.  Todd lived in Chicago and I lived in Nebraska, so “Across The Miles” was very appropriate.
We were newly weds when we got this one.
My Aunt Linda gave this one to us.  I love it.
Baby’s 1st Christmas–another one from my Aunt Linda
That is our now 10 yr old!  Where did all that
chub-a-lub go?
This one is from my dad.  He thinks I’m the world’s greatest hair stylist.:)  Not sure if he is right, he is judging me based on the few hairs he has left to cut.  (Ha Ha.  Love ya, dad!)
This is another favorite of mine.
My 10 yr. old picked it out when she was 7.  That was back in the day when she loved dance and tutus.  Now she rolls her eyes when taking it out of the box and says “ugh, I hate tutus!”
This one makes me smile.  I bought it the year my youngest was 2.  She had green “feetie” pajamas just like this, short blond curls, and was into everything!
This one is priceless.  My mom made these when we were young.  We sold them at craft fairs and even door to door.  My parents used the money to buy a piano so that we could start piano lessons.
Poor guy lost an eye!
I love, love this one.  I picked it out when my girls were 5, 4 and 2.  My youngest really loved her pacifier, we let her keep it way to long!  These stack into each other and closes into one snowman.
This one is from Todd’s childhood.
My mom gave me this one.  It is beautiful with the light shining through it.
This is from my Great Grandma Jewel.  It is VERY special to me.
She is now in Heaven, she was one of the most amazing people I have ever met.
Give you one guess who picked this one out…
…and this one.  The sports center tv above has a button to push to hear the
sports center theme song.  Todd enjoys pushing it over and over, just to annoy me.
My youngest chose this one last year.  Much of her day is spent coloring.
Once upon a time, there were Dora fans in this house.  No more. (sniff)
My choice for last year.  I really, REALLY enjoy lattes and my cell phone.
The decorating begins!
I can’t believe my baby can reach that high! (is it me or does
that tree look tipsy?)
Hanging out with dad after a long night of tree decorating.
Kids tucked in bed, tree finished, another memory made.
It’s a good life.

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  • Linda
    December 25, 2009 at 6:24 am

    Amy, I loved this post. We had one of those yarn dolls! You blessed my heart to include some of the ornaments we gave to you, and you made your uncle John choke back a tear with the one from Grandma Jewel. Have a merry Christmas. Your girls are going to have multitudes of memories of their family Christmases. You go, girl! You bless me.

    Aunt Linda

  • julier2120
    December 23, 2009 at 1:25 am

    Can’t believe you still have a yarn doll. WOW! you ought to fix his eye… remember cutting out all of those eyes out of felt. Going door to door to sell them, buying a piano with the profits? Our mom was sooo creative.

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