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Kids After-School, Afternoon Routine

 Some of my most popular post are the ones I wrote on my kids Back To School Morning Routines and Evening Routines, so I thought I would share with you our After School, Afternoon Routine.

Routines and charts really do keep this family running smoothly, but lately I was noticing some bumps within the smooth.

For example:
~The girls water bottles were not filled, in the refrigerator, to easily grab when packing lunches
~Piano was not getting practiced on a daily basis
~Lunch bags were not hung up where they should be
~School papers were not getting signed
~a healthy snack turned into “mom, can I have some Halloween candy”

I started getting frustrated, then realized…I had let AFTERNOON ROUTINE slide!!  Duh.

 I think my energy level in the afternoon had much to do with it, especially on chemo weeks.  I was often laying down when they walked in from school.  We didn’t have it laminated like the other Routine charts, so somehow it made it less official, so they would still earn their “rocks” because the chart was not up or ready to be checked off.
Now that we are getting back on track, there will be no tv, computer, video games or play until Afternoon Routine is done!

I also noticed our “3 chores a day” was not happening, either, which is part of the Afternoon Routine, which meant:
~the shoe basket would overflow
~the stair basket would overflow
~laundry was not getting put away by anyone but me
~I was starting to get frustrated and naggy!

It really amazes me how much our routines keep us on track and makes our family life so much easier!

 ~I am no longer a mom who follows the kids around picking up after them or naggin them to pick up after themselves, thanks to “pick up personals” on their Morning and Evening Routines.
~our home really keeps itself picked up, and looks company ready most of the time, because of “pick up personals” and the small things I do to keep it picked up.
~it is never more than “15 minutes of picking up” messy
~I know my girls get their vitamins every morning
~The girls are usually completely ready for school when I come downstairs in the morning.  The only thing left for me is help with their hair and pack their lunches.

Afternoon Routine
~Shoes In Basket
~Backpack Emptied, Papers For Mom On Table
~Backpack Hung Up
~Lunch Bag Emptied
~Lunch Bag Hung Up
~Water Bottle Filled & Put In Refrigerator
~Snack Cleaned Up
~3 Chores A Day
~Practice Piano

Shoes In Basketwe have a basket in our sunroom where they put their shoes when they take them off before coming into the house

Backpack Emptied, Papers On Tablethis keeps me from missing out on work they have accomplished and also work that they need signed, teachers notes, etc.

Backpack Hung Upthey all 3 have designated areas where they keep their backpack hung up

Lunch Bag Emptiedit is a pet peeve of mine when packing lunches in the morning, to open one up and find a nasty banana peel or baggies of sandwich crust, yuck!

Lunch Bag Hung Upanother pet peeve of mine is when packing lunches, their lunch bags are not hanging on the hook in the pantry where they belong

Water Bottle Filled & Put In Refrigeratorthis keeps us from using 10 billion cups.  It also keeps me from having to respond to “mom, I’m thirsty.”  The best perk of this one is my kids are water drinkers.  They do not get juice often, and really do not want it, because their water is always cold and ready for them to grab.

Snacksometimes I have their snack waiting for them at the table when they come home.  If not, we have a snack bin in the pantry, they know they have to eat a healthy snack before they can ask for any type of sugar snack

Snack Cleaned Uppaper towel in trash, crumbs wiped up, chair pushed in.  I did not like finding crumbs and snack mess when I would go to set the table for dinner, so on the chart this went.

3 Chores A DayI am in the process of making a Master Chore List to draw from when writing their 3 chores on the white board each day.  Usually this is easy, I know what needs done that day, and I just write it on the board before they come home from school.  I find when I skip a day or two because the house is in good shape, that they get out of the habit and then complain when they have to do chores again.  Because of this, I will have chores everyday, even if I have to refer to my Master Chore List to come up with them!!

Practice Pianough, this one MUST go on a routine list.  I hate it when Saturday piano lessons comes and I know they have not practiced as often as they should!

Homeworkthis one is tough.  I don’t like making them do it right when they get home, but I also dislike it when we have activities in the evening homework is not done, and all the sudden it is bedtime!  I like doing it right after dinner, but that does not work on busy evenings.  My oldest LOVES doing her homework right before bed.  I really don’t have this one figured out, and I’m not sure if it should go on Afternoon Routine or Evening Routine.  What do you do with homework?  I’d love to know what works for everyone else!!

***I use this site to make our charts.  I choose the “no image” option to keep things clean and simple.
***I am happy to be linking up to these parties.

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    May 12, 2014 at 2:42 am

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  • *Nikki*
    November 13, 2010 at 11:13 pm

    thanks..i am going to use that sight..i think mabye having our routines posted somewhere instead of in a binder might help me notice them and DO them!

  • Marianne
    November 14, 2010 at 4:48 am

    I love your lists, but I still have not found out how to really implement them here.
    My daughter has to do her homework as soon as she gets in the door from school unless dinner is on the table then she does it right after dinner. As a first grader it is usually only one two sided page of math and then some reading that she does in bed with daddy.
    On Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays between 5 and 6PM, which is right after dinner we homeschool in Norwegian. Then from 6-7 it is bedtime routine with a light snack and both kids are in bed by 7.
    This works for us and so far Isabel is pretty happy with her homework arrangement. This is actually how my mom did it with me. I was not allowed to do any of my extra curricular activities unless homework was done. That worked in Norway where school was out at 2PM and activities didn’t start until 5. We have just decided not to enroll in any extra curricular activities for Isabel this year because of the homeschooling.
    Sorry this got so long, but my short homework answer got a little too complicated to shorten.
    Take care and do as fits you and your kids thats the important part.

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