With the busy lives that many of us lead we want to make sure that our time and energy is used in the best possible way. This includes in our marriages as well. We want to ensure that what we are doing for our marriages are beneficial and helpful, rather than just something we do in hopes of bettering our relationship.
I believe if we focus our time and energy to these three areas it will indeed grow our marriages and be mutually beneficial to us and our spouses’.
1.) Know your man’s Love Language- In my previous post “5 Love Languages to Create a Successful Marriage” I explained the philosophy behind the Love Languages and the importance of speaking your spouse’s. In short, your husband may feel loved in different ways than you are showing him love. If you are not speaking his Love Language, he may still appreciate your effort, but sadly you are not getting the most out of your efforts. Knowing and speaking his Love Language is more effective and will draw you two closer together.
2.) Nurture your relationship- Nurture means “to encourage growth.” As couples we have weaknesses. For some couples that might be communication, finances, amount of quality time or lack of spontaneity. Spend time encouraging growth in those areas. Developing strength in our weak areas helps us feel stronger and more well balanced as a couple.
3.) Work on a goal together- Have you ever set a goal for yourself, worked extremely hard to succeed and then reaped the benefits afterwards? If so, you know all the pride and accomplishment you felt and the growth that took place during the process. Just think how much it would change your relationship if you got to go through that process with your significant other! While working on goals as one unit we can encourage each other, challenge one another and provide accountability. Through the process we become closer, but we also draw on our success for things we want to work on in the future. You start to realize the power of two people!
In our marriages there are a lot of things that we can attempt to put time, energy and effort into. But sometimes we need to reevaluate to see if that time, energy and effort are truly serving our marriages in a positive way. I truly believe that if we spend time ensuring the three above things our relationships with our husbands will grow tremendously. Often in ways we never imagined!
Share with us in the comments if doing any of these three things has already enhanced your marriage!
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Newlywed Cook
April 25, 2014 at 10:25 pmWe do a lot of around the house projects together so that’s like working on a goal together I guess. I think it’s difficult however to think about working on less tangible goals like communicating better etc. Something to think about!