I had another really good day! I feel like I am healing quickly. The burning sensation in my chest is less, and the range- of -motion in both arms is improving.
I had a friend over this morning who is also fighting breast cancer, we had the best time talking and connecting. God and cancer have entwined our hearts-I love you, Nanc!
I was treated to a pedicure this afternoon by my friend Keeli. IT WAS SO GREAT to do something girly with her. It was relaxing and conversation so meaningful, as it always is with my Kee! Loved it.
Tonight is family movie night. My friend, Karma, is ordering Italian food to be delivered for our dinner.
I took some time to read through my journal the other night, and it was so cool read back over the last year and see how God prepared me for the fight I had coming up.
There was a page that I had written while sitting in church last spring, long before I knew I had cancer. We had just finished singing a song in church with these lyrics:
Since I am so sick
Since I am in need
This song must have spurred me on to write, as I wrote the lyrics out in my journal, and then just kept on writing while sitting there in church. I don’t remember writing this, but found it very interesting, reading it 10 months later. It expresses my heart and how I have felt lately!! Thought I would share:
An utter submission to His ways.
A sprawled out, head down,exhausted and limp
Nothing left of me.
Empty, spilled out
Core exposed, broken.
What is left?
A hearts desire to be filled only with you.
A raw, child- trust, that you will hold my exposed heart,
for you are good, and know how to make us like You.
Breaking heart,
Shattered self,
Pride gone-no room for it.
Piece by piece you restore & redeem
Come Lord, come quickly.
Put me back together, but break me completely first.
Do your redeeming work.
Give me eyes to see
A heart that trusts
YOU are the answer, the only answer.
I am sick
I am in need
I have no healing within me
BUT-YOU are my help and my redeemer.
Come quickly, Lord.
January 28, 2012 at 5:03 pmAmy, I remember the feelings after my surgery, one day things just felt better, it was almost a surprise after having hurt for so long. I knew the chemo was coming soon though so was hard to be happy enough to hide my apprehension.
My diagnosis came shortly after yours so our time lines are very similar. So many months in knit hats to keep a little more warmth in my chilled, bald body.
What a difference a year makes, every day is a blessing and every moment I can share with my loved ones is precious.
May God’s protection surround us both.
January 10, 2011 at 12:38 amHello, just want to thank you for the great tutorial ideas using stove covers, loved the cake stands. I also want you to know that you are in my prayers, I too was diagnosed on Dec 2008, and it has been 1 year since my last surgery. Keep the Faith and know, God will sustain you through this. He is our Strength in the mist of our trials. God Bless you.
Hi ... My name is Christine ... and I'm a Tutorial Addict ... LOL
January 9, 2011 at 11:07 pmJust stopping by to say Hi 🙂 My name is Christine and I found your blog a little bit ago and just wanted to say how inspirational your testimony is. I enjoy reading your blog so much and I pray for your recovery and that your faith stays strong. I actually first found your posts about routines and I found them to be INSPIRED! I hope to institute similar ones VERY VERY SOON lol. In fact I’m mentioning them in my next post. Maybe you’ll inspire even more people! I’m sure you will 🙂 My prayers are with you …
Laura Poe
January 9, 2011 at 7:07 amI am praying for you, Amy, and our church is too. God is great! Your grandpa has first-hand knowledge of that now. We’ll be praying for your grandma and family. Psalm 3
Lelia Chealey
January 8, 2011 at 5:57 pmOH wow…definitely shows how God prepares us way before we even know we need preparing. How awesome is He!
January 8, 2011 at 3:19 pmWould it be to much to ask you if I can send you something handmade to make you smile? I have been reading your blog for a while now and follow your health updates and pray, pray, pray!
If you like email me at whimsycouture @ hotmail . com to give me your address. I’d love to make you something!
January 8, 2011 at 3:18 amHappy to hear that you had a good day, after reading your post yesterday I’ve been sending lots of prayers your way.
January 8, 2011 at 7:51 amA wise friend told me the following just today and I thought of it as I read your post. I hope it ecourages you as much as it did me!
“Sometimes the Lord calms the storm, and sometimes He lets the storm rage and He calms His Child.”
The Polka Dot Closet
January 8, 2011 at 12:31 amIf you were not such a fabulous friend and person people would not be spoiling you with food and favors, you deserve it all and I just know it probably makes them feel better than you. So glad you are feeling better and getting out, it is so good to reconnect with the outside world. I think of you often and stop many times a day asking the lord to heal you.