How-Tos/ Kids/Family/ RECIPES

Fun With Food For Kids

Source: via Amy on Pinterest

Toddler buffet using ice cube trays.  So cute!

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Fruit served in ice cream cone cups.  Would be cute for a baby shower or summer party!

Rainbow on a skewer.

Source: via Amy on Pinterest

Tortellini skewers with pesto dipping sauce

Veggie cups. No more worries about double dipping!

Grilled chocolate banana melt.  Fun after school least they get some fruit with it!

Peanut butter and jelly “sushi” rolls.

Apple and grape cars.

Fun cheesy sunflower and grapes.  Another after school snack idea.

Source: via Amy on Pinterest

Fun owl food.  This would take just minutes to make, but lasting smiles!

Source: via Amy on Pinterest

Watermelon and Cantaloupe fruit pops!  How clever.

Source: via Amy on Pinterest

So tropical!

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  • Yoga in Post Pregnancy
    April 7, 2012 at 6:03 am

    A mother knows what’s best for her baby, and keeping fit during pregnancy is a sign of a caring and loving mother. But as you need to exercise your body; does your baby also need to exercise her mind?After all, 70% of the baby’s brain growth occurs during pregnancy! Watch this video to know more.

  • karen gerstenberger
    March 1, 2012 at 4:48 pm

    These look good for adults, too!
    I love seeing my ad on your sidebar, and hope that the book has arrived for the give-away. The “Search Inside the Book” option is now active on the amazon page, so people can see a bit about it before they buy, and it’s coming out on Kindle within a day or two!
    Blessings to you, Amy & Robyn!

  • {Adventuresindinner}
    March 1, 2012 at 2:59 pm

    So funny, I think I’ve got about 90% of these pinned. We use the icecream cones and fruit almost every night now. I think that I need to plant more raspberry bushes this year C:

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