Fun Activities For Kids!

Robyn here! While my little guy Owen is still just six months old, I’m super excited to start doing activities with him as he gets older. Thank goodness for Pinterest, because I’ve started a board full of fun activities to do with kids as young as eight to ten months old, all the way up to toddlers!

Once spring hits, I’m hoping to do one fun activity a week, even if it’s as simple as smooshing our hands in some rice or beans to feel the different textures. Here’s some of the fun activities I’ve been finding on Pinterest lately:

A Jello excavation site – fun with smooshing our hands in things!

Perfect for rainy spring days, making roads for all the cars I know Owen will have using masking tape means a different layout every time!

Owen’s little hands might be too small for beading with cut up straws until the fall, but I’m already searching for as many fun colored straws as I can find!

Who knew found objects could be so much fun? We’ve been building our treasure basket ever since I first saw this!

This list of things to do with a wiggly toddler is great! I love the idea of using watercolors to paint the inside of the tub on rainy days – easy cleanup and so much fun!

Another great round-up site of activities for toddlers – I love these simple discovery bottles made from old smaller soda or water bottles!


Are you on Pinterest?  If you like these pins and want to see more, follow Robyn on Pinterest here, and follow Amy on Pinterest, here.

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  • Micah William
    February 18, 2012 at 7:46 pm

    Thanks for the fun ideas Robyn! I’m always searching for fun things to do or explore with my little guy. Maybe we will paint the tub today:)

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