I know lots of people that do not sprout nuts and seeds simply because they think its too hard and don’t know where to start.
Well why sprout you may ask?
Soaking softens the skin and begins the sprouting process, also soaking makes it so much easier for your body to digest the grains or seeds. Gas causing enzymes in legumes are released into the soaked water. (make sure to discard the soaking water)
When you sprout it truly increases the amount of nutrients in the food compared to the dried grain/nut/legume. When you sprout the vitamins minerals and protein increase.
And also the calories and carbohydrate content decrease. So its a win win all around.
So now I’ve told you how super nutrient dense and good for you sprouting is, let’s find out how to do it.
What you will need:
~ Organic grain or legume of choice
~ A sterile large glass bottle with some fine mesh cloth to cover, or nut milk bag or sprouting jar
~Filtered water for soaking
So lets get started.
Soak your grain or legume in a large glass bowl or jar with heaps of filtered water. Cover and let sit on bench overnight. If you remember, its best to change thesoaked water at least once or twice. But this is not crucial.
The next morning you will need to drain the grains or legumes and rinse well. Drain the water away. Place them into your sprouting jar you have chosen to use pop a breathable cover over the top. You can use an elastic band to hold in place and set up on an angle to make sure all the water strains away. If you buy a proper sprouting jar it will have an attachment that lets the jar sit up on an angle.
These are mung bean sprouts soaked then rinsed and ready to sprout.
Now all you need to do is repeat the rinsing every 8 hours making sure to drain well each time.
What I usually do is this:
~First rinse in the morning, then do another that night.
~Repeat again in the morning and again at night.
On the second or third day of doing this you will see gorgeous little sprouts growing. You can keep doing this process until you get the sprouts the length you like. It should take no longer than a few days. Once done do a final rinse and very good drain and store in the fridge. They will last around 3 days in the fridge.
These are mung bean sprouts after 3 days ready to eat or you could leave them another day if you like.
Here is some sprouted buckwheat. So easy to do and they grow the cutest little tails. I then dehydrate the buckwheat till it goes crunchy and add it raw cereals.
Its great to add texture and crunch to the top of a smoothie. I also make my own buckwheat flour by grinding the buckwheat up in coffee grinder. Then I have wonderful sprouted buckwheat flour ready to use in cooking.
Lentils and mung bean sprouts are great to snack they are crunchy and delicious. Throw them in salads on top of raw crackers and even in a green smoothie!
Mixed sprouted salad.
Mixed sprouted salad recipe
A selection of mixed sprouts and legumes
Mix in some crunchy almonds (soaked and dehydrated if you can)
A generous drizzle of organic olive oil or organic flax seed oil
Pinch of Himalayan salt
Cracked pepper
Generous sprinkle of cumin powder
Generous sprinkle of cinnamon
Generous sprinkle of garlic powder
Generous drizzle of coconut nectar or maple syrup for sweetness
Generous sprinkle of kelp seasoning granules (optional)
Squeeze of lemon juice
Mix well and enjoy. Best eaten straight away.
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March 28, 2014 at 9:50 amSprouted lentils are my absolute favourite. I sprout them in a damp teacloth secured with an elastic band. I love them every way possible!
June 2, 2013 at 11:51 pmNever ever heard of this!!!! But I’m interested as I’ve begun to have trouble digesting beans and nuts.