HEALTH/ Natural Products

DIY Lavender Sachet

Have you ever smelled moth balls? If you haven’t had the pleasure, do a little happy dance. Not only do they reek, they are also filled with dangerous toxins. There’s a much better way to keep bugs and moths away. It’s natural, cheap, and will keep your clothes smelling like you just walked through a patch of wildflowers. The answer is a homemade lavender sachet! Did you know lavender repels moths, fleas, flies, mosquitoes, and bed bugs? Who would have thought since lavender smells quite lovely!

DIY lavender sachet
ppppp ppppp

muslin bag
dried lavender flowers

Just fill the muslin bag with dried lavender flowers and place in your lingerie drawer or anywhere else that might need a little freshening or bug repellent. It’s so easy, your kids could do it. The hard part was figuring out where to buy the muslin bags and lavender flowers. I was beyond happy when I discovered that Mountain Rose Herbs, my favorite place to buy essential oils, also sells dried lavender flowers (and other dried flowers) AND the perfect size muslin bag.

Lavender sachet ingredients

cost savings

Here’s what it cost. . .
$0.38 small muslin bag {$3.75/10 bags from Mountain Rose Herbs]
$0.50 dried lavender flowers [$5.75/4 oz. bag from Mountain Rose Herbs]
$0.88 Grand Total DIY Lavender Sachet

compared to . . .
$3.99 Lavender Sachet from The Container Store

Sweet! You should be able to make 10 sachets with the Mountain Rose Herbs supplies, unless you buy in bigger quantities. Give away the extras as homemade gifts to friends who will think you are the cutest, most thoughtful friend ever!

Have you made a sachet before? How’d you do it?


This post was written by:

Kendra Drake
Kendra Drake
Natural & Homemade Contributor

You can follow Kendra here: {Blog}{Facebook}{Twitter}{Google+}{Pinterest}

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  • Alina
    April 27, 2014 at 11:43 am

    what a lovely idea and is a good homemade gift me thinks 🙂

  • Victoria A W
    September 8, 2013 at 5:54 pm

    can I do it with Eucaliptus leaves?

  • Heather Bell
    March 17, 2013 at 2:46 pm

    Lavender is my go to smell. Soothing and wonderful. THankyou!

  • Julie
    March 17, 2013 at 1:06 am

    Great idea!

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