Counting Gifts/ FAMILY

Counting One Thousand Gifts #3

holy experience

42~middle child who surprises me by picking up the house before I’m out of bed
43~a dinner out of food that is art, to celebrate 14 married years
44~post it reminders of what is important
45~taking time to manicure nails, whiten teeth, & tan skin.  neglect turns nice.
46~a monday at home
47~feeding a group of young man leaders
48~a husband who invests and loves deeply this group of young men
49~apologies that heal
50~new life. new niece or nephew being born today
51~ten minutes with a true artist, being encouraged by the beauty of words
52~the family pool house & memories created there
53~4 hours of quiet alone time on a friday night
54~a garden that is producing
55~the joys of harvest
56~a trio of little voices, discussing lessons I’ve drilled, and getting it
57~a fever that reminds how long God has kept us healthy
58~singing old hymns with a new beat
59~the book of John, telling of a Samaritan woman, loved
60~a bin of clothes blessing from a friend.  old to them, new to us.

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