Goals This Week:
~ All clothes clean and put away
~ All paper work sorted
Goals Accomplished Last Week:
~finish cleaning out craft closet
~finish landing area
~organize all clothes
Attention New Nostalgia Readers:
Did you see this post about the opportunity to sponsor New Nostalgia?
Seriously, I think this is the BEST sponsor deal you will find! $25.00 for a month exposure to over 500,000 views, 250×150 size ad. Come read why I decided to offer the best deal possible & why I felt uncomfortable charging twice that, despite success.
You can sign up now and have your ad up and running today!
Last week’s most clicked on links:
Routines Rock Morning Edition @ Domestic Bliss Diaries
Homemade Peppermint Mouthwash @ Potholes & Pantyhose
Be Inspired, Be Encouraged & Get Something Done!
Foy Update
October 3, 2012 at 12:33 amI’m sharing recipes I am making with what’s coming out of the garden. We just had our first frost so the acorn squash are curing getting ready to be stored. I love stuffing them and I shared a recipe I concocted using the wild rice my sister sends me from the Canadian border.
Also a recipe for stuffed tomatoes. This is a wonderful brunch or side dish recipe. Tons of flavor and a way to celebrate farm fresh eggs and tomatoes!
Thanks for hosting!
I also host a link party called Eat Make Grow where folks can share their DIY projects, recipes and garden strategies. I hope you’ll come share with us too!
Stop on by if you get the chance:
Jackie Patti
September 27, 2012 at 3:23 amThanks for hosting! I shared my surprisingly tasty chicken soup recipe.
Carissa Rasmussen
September 25, 2012 at 7:13 pmthanks for hosting!
Kristina Bianco
September 25, 2012 at 4:35 pmOMG What a surprise this is! You totally just made my day! THANK YOU! I honestly hope that my “Speed Cleaning” post helped all 🙂
I just wanted to pop by and invite you to my first ever “Inspiration Wednesday Link Party” that I am hosting tomorrow! I hope to see you there!
Have a fabulous day,
Kristina @ Mad about Organizing
Alderberry Hill
September 25, 2012 at 1:09 pmAnother wonderful link party!
Thanks so much for hosting week after week!
Glamorous Mommy
September 25, 2012 at 2:22 amThank you for hosting!