Anti-Procrastination Tuesday


Weekly Update


My goodness! It has been a long while since I’ve updated the blog. I think this holiday break is the longest I have taken in 7 years of writing New Nostalgia!

It was time well spent with my sweet family and with my pen and journal, both of which refreshed my soul. I know the time spent will make this site stronger in the coming year.

It amazes me how profitable it can be to put pen to paper, especially after ingesting God’s Word and listening to what I feel like He is saying to me through it. Getting alone with Him and my thoughts and seeing them on paper in black and white has allowed me to sort out my heart. Some of this has been in the journal my sister got me for Christmas. I love it I can’t wait to share some of it with you this coming year!

I pray you all had a blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year’s Day. I’m so thankful for your continued support in reading this blog. What an honor that anyone would read my words.

Thank you for supporting New Nostalgia!

Weekly Goals

Meal Plan — grocery list +5 meals

Rescue My Home — dust, sweep, vacuum, mop, bathrooms

Dates — my Todd, my girls, one close friend

Do a Pin – This Year I Will (my answers are below)


Quit: self-condemnation–in HIM, I am ENOUGH

Start: doing yoga regularly

Visit: my Karen in Cali!

Accept: imperfection (from myself and others)

Honor: God, my husband, my parents, my family, myself

Make: love! (lol-yes!)

See: the sunrise more often

Learn: ukulele (eek! maybe?)

Give: small gifts, bits of me to others

Notice: the best in others, the need in others

Eat:  more plants!

Have: joy

Be: wise

Act: compassionate

Grow: my garden (I skipped it last year!)

Invest: $1 a day to give away


Daily To-Do

Spiritual —journalScripture, pray, meditate

Move Body–walk, yoga or strength training

Hydrate + Nutrients –greens & berries, vitamins, water

One Full Load — dishwasher & laundry

Cleaning, Clutter & Computer Zones –entrance, front porch & dining room & cull photos on iPhone

Ap-poster copy

{want this FREE printable? keep scrolling}


Specific Goals

Continue reading: Anti-Cancer: A New Way of Life & The Broken Way

Want to read: The Undoing of Saint Silvanus

Finished Reading: The Magnolia Story

Drop off recycling

All Christmas decorations put away

Clean out storage closet

Deliver last gifts

Give Instant Pot lesson


Recipes To Make

(we will be eating from the pantry and freezer this week so not many recipes linked. My meal plan is to empty both!)

Skillet Cranberry Roasted Chicken

Easy Spaghetti Sauce –every week

Brussel Sprout Salad

Crockpot Bone Broth –every week



What are you wanting to get done this week?

What recipes are you planning on making?

Are you on Pinterest? Share a favorite pin you want to accomplish.


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