Love/ Spiritual/ Valentine's Day

A Valentine From New Nostalgia

God's love never ends

 For the above graphic to make sense, please CLICK HERE  to listen.

It is a song. It is the song “Times” By Tenth Avenue North.  This song alone gives me chills, especially the end.  But the version linked above was one that I had never heard and was played by KLOVE.  I was listening in my car and had to pull over as I was listening…it touched me so.  It is words of love from the very best Valentine…the God of this Universe.  I just had to share it with all of you.

Happy Valentine’s Day from me to you!

Here is a video I share every year at Valentines day.  It is called “The Father’s Love Letter” and it is full of scripture truths that God says about us.  They use portions of it in the song linked above, but here is the video in its entirety. Enjoy!

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  • Michelle Helsel
    February 16, 2013 at 4:16 am

    Thank You!

  • Shaper of Little Souls
    February 15, 2013 at 12:17 pm

    Thank you for spreading The Father’s Love Letter. It truly is an annointed piece. Years ago, when it first cam out I would buy them in bulk and just give them in cd form to people. Now we have the internet! What a treasure you have shared today. Thank you.

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